Eddie Griffin: DysFunktional Family
Eddie Griffin: DysFunktional Family
R | 04 April 2003 (USA)
Eddie Griffin: DysFunktional Family Trailers

Between sets from his hilarious live stand-up routine, in which he riffs on everything from Michael Jackson to terrorism, comedian Eddie Griffin tours his hometown of Kansas City and introduces viewers to his eccentric clan in this edgy mockumentary. Griffin's uproarious family members include oddballs such as Uncle Buckey, a former pimp, and Uncle Curtis, who possesses an extensive porn collection ... much of which he filmed himself!

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Console best movie i've ever seen.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Doru-Romeo Moldovan My co-national here posted next to me said that he saw the movie 15 times. Wheel I'v seen it almost 100 times & i still laugh at it. I know all his lines ... but seeing hem on stage doing his sh**et makes me laugh with tears. Anyway ... if u read this u have probably seen it so I don't have to tell you how awesome it is. I have convinced a legion of people to watch it & not even one of them said that it's not good. Not even the English people which by the way they hate Americans ... U see why the real life based stories are the best? Just hearing that crazy stuff your mind starts creating things and imagining it like it was real and the level of your imagination increases the level of the story making you laugh even more. So to make the story shorter PLEEASE Show it to all the people u know 'cause it's a quality Stage Show
sydkelly This is a good movie, especially the concert part. Eddie is a great mimic. Check out this movie if you want to laugh a lot. Also, noticed that Eddie looks a lot like Alan Keyes. The part about different religions is great. Not for everyone, as some people, especially the people who should see a film like this, wont go because they don't want to expose their delicate ears to profanity but have no problem with all the crap that goes on in the world. Funnier than Chris Rock if you ask me. Also, this movie gives a good idea of how people are like in the Midwest as the concert takes place in the Midwest. Check it out if you want to see a good movie. Kabish?
Johnny B I'm writing this article after seeing the "DysFUNKtional Family" for the 15th time, and I must say that I still laugh uncontrollably when I hear what Eddie Griffin's mind "bakes". I've seen a quite a few stand-up comedian shows at my age, but I must say... Eddie Griffin "tickles the f!@$ outta me" to use his own words. The movie is a small summary of his tragic life... growing up without a father, being raised by his mother and uncle Bucky. All of this would be true, if HE weren't the one making fun of it all, seeing things from an impersonal point of view... He pretty much talks about everything there is to talk about... 9-11 and the "Osama MFers", about sex, church, drugs, mother's unorthodox methods of raising him/spanking him... the thing is, the movie gets so hilarious at some point, I was beginning to wonder about how will I stop laughing after hearing so many jokes in such a short time... I sincerely recommend the movie to any person that understands English and the subtleties of the English language... I voted a 10 for the movie... amongst my favorites! "Think! It Ain't Illegal Yet!"
expokool I have been an inactive member of the imdb world for years now and haven't cast a single vote or posted my comments for public viewing, but the only review of Dysfunktional Family on this site does not shine a good light on a movie which cracked me up and gave me a great first date... In this movie, a black comic on tour hits his home town of Kansas City and does a one night show with his current material, mostly consisting of jokes about his family... What I liked to most about this movie are all the things reviews i read said to hate about it. For starters, you could look at Eddie Griffin's childhood as a depressing and upsetting way to grow up. With one uncle addicted to porn and the other addicted to heroin, no father, getting beat up all the time by his mother, no money, and on top of things, it gets really cold in the winter . Personally, I travel to Kansas City once a year for the only reason anyone would; I have family there also, and let me tell you, it's not an easy life. This movie showed nothing but love and laughter from the start. If you're going to make a movie that is basicly a recording of a live show, I think this movie couldn't of been done better - with little sidetracks of the family and how they really are makes the jokes about them 100 times funnier than they would of been already... And cutting to shots of the audience cracking up make you laugh even harder because Kansas city is a town where everyone tries to dress like a pimp. If you want to laugh, and can find humor in almost anything when the right spin is put on it - this is a movie for you.