Dance Flick
Dance Flick
PG-13 | 22 May 2009 (USA)
Dance Flick Trailers

Street dancer, Thomas Uncles is from the wrong side of the tracks, but his bond with the beautiful Megan White might help the duo realize their dreams as they enter in the mother of all dance battles.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
modernmirakle I'm going to make this plain and simple. If you like the Wayans Brothers, watch the movie. The movie has its funny moments just like any other films the Wayans Brothers star in. So if you're a fan of White Chicks and/or the Scary Movie series, I can't find a reason why you wouldn't appreciate this film. Like seriously, the movie is a comedy-based film creating spoofs just like any other spoof-movie would. In fact, I enjoyed this movie so much, it reminded me of their old school film called "Im Gonna Get You Sucka" where humor was about being original. So on that note, its a COMEDY FILM. Some people enjoy them while others don't. If you're a college student looking for laughter, corniness, and cheesiness? This is the movie for you and your friends if you're looking for a good time.
TheLittleSongbird I decided to see this movie in intrepidation, since I am not a fan of this sort of film. There have been some surprisingly good spoofs such as High Anxiety, but the Friedberg-Seltzer movies are all a waste of time with terrible acting and lowbrow humour. So I watched Dance Flick, and while it was actually better than I expected, I was expecting it to be utter crap you see, it wasn't particularly good either.Dance Flick does have its moments though. The choreography does sparkle a lot more than it doesn't, and there are one or two appealing performances, especially Essence Atkins's terrific comic turn and Shoshana Bush's cute as a button Megan. Plus Damon Wayans Jnr is pretty likable. The film is quite short and does move briskly, and I enjoyed spotting the references to Fame and High School Musical, some of which were done in a smart manner.However, there are some failures. The film does start off on the wrong foot unfortunately, thank goodness it does pick up. The story is also rather thin, and the script relies too much on bad taste and gross humour than genuinely hilarious and sophisticated humour. I am especially talking about Amy Sedaris as the aptly named dance teacher Mrs Cameltoe here. The direction is perhaps a little too smug and the editing is choppy on occasions. Although it does have many problems, Dance Flick is definitely not as bad as Disaster Movie or Epic Movie, and is moderately entertaining thanks to some spirited choreography and performances but is deeply flawed due to its thin story. 5/10 Bethany Cox
Stampsfightclub Megan (Bush) moves away from her troubled home life to pursue her career in dancing, all the while adjusting to her new life and preparing for the biggest dance battle in history The comedy genre has hit a slump over the past decade, particularly with spoof related genres, evident when watching Disaster Movie, Scary Movies etc. So the premise doesn't look too wonderful when seeing the trailer for Dance Flick, which epitomizes the use of slapstick in identifying the underlying nature of High School Musical and Step Up 2.But having an open mind and a friend who can get me in the cinema for free, I politely agreed to view this Wayans picture with him and in all honesty, we knew this would be awful, but oddly despite the degrading nature of the plot, the terrible slapstick and the degrading humour of character representation, it is by no means the worst spoof you will ever view.The plot is a gimmick of Step Up 2 the streets, taking into account the central character Megan moving away from home to pursue a career in dancing before getting involved in the underground scene. Having watched that 2007 release seeing the comparisons here were fairly accurate, bar the awful humour. In fairness, Dance Flick depicts the nature of Step Up 2 quite well. However this doesn't stop viewers from being sickened once more by an awful array of disgusting jokes.Evident with Disaster Movie amongst other spoofs, we are delivered humour around physical appearance and abnormality and sick acts, and this picture is no different. From the gangster leader's weight problems to hanging a baby in a school locker, this is silly waffle, a film made for pure attack on modern well intended films. Perhaps 10 years ago it may have been humorous, but now with the plot so carbon copy of another we can see the punch lines coming, and this predictability weighs the suspense and intrigue down and with that comes a formula of boredom when annoyance sets in.Performances wise none of the main actors really generate enough capability to even carry out some of the physical comedy. Megan's expression when kicking everyone when dancing is ridiculous, whilst Thomas is stone faced from start to finish.If there are any other positives then they lie with the director and choreographer for making the last dance battle well staged, even if the fat gangster stereotype ruins it with the jump and squish move.The inclusion of some dance and sing sequences is a step away from the norm, but are very cringe worthy, especially the high school musical Tony moment about his true orientation.At the end of the day Dance Flick is your basic normal unfunny spoof that is only different from other recent spoofs by choosing different films to target. It isn't the worst film you will ever see, but nor is it the best.
Christopher Tsangari Just like Steven Seagal should have stopped making films long ago, the Wayans Bros should have stopped while they were at a high.Only 10 people filled the cinema seats, including me. I was tempted to leave half way as there was no story to keep me interested, but the humour is nothing inventive.You will find yourself laughing at some of the slapstick that's thrown at you, but the film is a real waste of good money and time. I don't think even Five.TV will want to show it either, and they're good at putting really dire films on.Choose another film to watch. The Wayans Brothers have had a very good run over the last 17 years and they should leave it at that.I mean, even the one single fart-joke was badly used in one scene. It's the one last weapon for a laugh in a film and they still managed to bodge it all up.