PG | 08 November 2005 (USA)
Popstar Trailers

A teenage girls life gets turned upside down when a new school friend turns out to be a popstar.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
bkoganbing A few songs from star Aaron Carter are an added bit of pleasure to this pleasant film about a singing bubble gum Popstar who is brought down to earth a bit. He finds that there just might be life after his vogue has passed and he'll need a few skills along the way.Tracy Scoggins is Carter's mother who has decided that home schooling and the road tutor he has isn't doing it for him, he's flunking everything. So his career is put on hold and he has to go to high school with the rest of his peers including the teenage girls who are just gaga over him.One of them is shy, but academically brilliant Alana Austin and she's one of those fans. When he comes to her as needing a tutor it's a teen dream come true.And as life has imitated art Aaron Carter has certainly had his fifteen minutes of fame as bubble gum idols come and go. A couple of them from previous generations are in the film as well. David Cassidy plays Aaron's manager who is thinking that him going back to school is great publicity as the young man is a role model of sorts. Leif Garrett plays the school janitor who offers advice something along the lines of a Chinese philosopher. Pretty good advice too.Popstar is a nice bit of entertainment, easy to take and nice songs in the score.
deemac1979 Despite what others may think, I like this movie. I thought it gave a positive message to kids and teens. It shows that celebrities are just normal people with normal problems like everyone else. Plus ever girl has always dreamed about getting to know her celebrity crush for real. They even sometimes wonder if they may be able to help them in someway.I know I've had my share of celebrity crushes over the years. It really made me think about them and just how cool this would have been if it had happened to me! It also is a cute love story. A love story that any girl who has had that crush would desire. It's what most young girls dream about. Aaron Carter is very talented and is a great singer/actor and performer. He's also a real cutie.
chrissyj84 I don't understand why everyone hates this movie, aside from the fact that they're just jealous their music careers never took off like mega Popstar Aaron Carter. Like it or not Aaron has seen more success in his young life than most people could ever dream of having, so it only seemed natural for him to do a movie. Lou Pearlman and company have been known for over-exploiting their pop protégées, you remember Justin Timberlake's foray into TV movie Model Behavior? Granted this movie isn't big scale and impressive, but it's not supposed to be. It's not trying to impress people or be an Emmy award winner, it was released straight to DVD. It's just a cute little movie about an awkward teen who gets her dream of being with her favorite Popstar; I know a lot of you out there have had that dream at some point or another about you favorite singer, don't deny it. It's sweet and gentle and I applaud it for not stepping into the realm of sex, violence, and vulgar language that seem to be creeping into more and more of our movies today. Where's the decency? Where's the line? Teen dramas come in dozens these days because teens are a big market for companies, at least this one is more tolerable to me than Bratz (aka Slutz) with all the fake little girls running around going "Oh Mah Gawd!" in tank tops and mini skirts and is fathoms better than those gore fest movies like Saw. I feel for the main character girl because I was nerdy outcast girl in High School who loved Aaron Carter and NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys and other pop music and still do; and like Aaron's character would get crushing "testophobia", especially in Math. If you judge this movie solely based on the fact that you don't like or are jealous of Aaron Carter and his fame, then of course you're going to hate it and trash talk it in reviews. The only reason Britney Spears' dribble Crossroads got a higher score is because she has boobs. Accept this movie for what it is, not what you want it to be. I think this happy formulaic teen movie ends on a high note and makes you want to sing.
amanda schultz wow is all i could say i really loved the movie and one thing i could say to Aaron carter is that i really think that you should be in a lot more movies cause you rock.i love Aaron carter so much hes hot and so i say thank you a lot for making this movie great.i really do so wish he would be able to make a lot more movies because he his a great dancer, actor, and singer. i so wish i could sing as good as he could. and I've been a fan of his for like ever and i will never ever stop loving him. i rented the movie and I've had it for two days and iv'e literally watched it over like 10 times. laugh out loud you could call me crazy but that just proves that i liked it a lot. if u wanna talk you can hit me up at dvlbab300@aol.com so e-mail me if you wanna. I LOVE YOU AARON CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!