Exit Strategy
Exit Strategy
| 10 February 2012 (USA)
Exit Strategy Trailers

Evicted from his apartment, James has to move in with his girlfriend of 3 months. He quickly discovers that she's everything he never wanted in a woman. His only option is to get her to break up with him -- but still let him sleep on the couch.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Monica There were quite a few scenes in this that made me laugh. I could identify with the awkwardness of sharing space, especially when you've grown accustomed to living on your own. I think it is definitely tougher on a guy to adjust to living with a female.The scenes that stuck out the most were the following:1. Kim (the girlfriend)decided to use James' hand as the sink while she was brushing her teeth. 2. Kim wanted James' to take out the trash, even though there was only a paper towel and a banana in the trash can 3. The absolutely worst proposal ever that was still accepted. 4. The mannequin head guy scene: simply because it was so absurd and featured Kevin HartHowever, there were a few things that were touched on that I wanted to see some type of closure on but it never quite came to fruition.Loose ends (or things that make you go Hmm): 1. Why exactly did James get evicted? It looked like he was still employed. They kept hinting he was spending all of his money to impress his girlfriend, but it still didn't quite add up to me. 2. What was the deal with the baseball card? There was this guy that kept coming in the store wanting to buy it, but James refused to sell it. Even after the guy volunteered his services to help James out of his situation, we still don't know whether James decided to let go of the baseball card. 3. After the guy Leona was dating gave a big speech to James about "age ain't nothing but a number" (aka defending their relationship), the guy turns around and breaks up with Leona not too long after he and James have the conversation. 4. The scene where James kissed Leona: just seemed very awkward and forced. Especially when Carville and Kim try to become part of the kiss scene. 5. Did Big Boy really have to be sprinkled all through the movie? I could understand maybe here and there, but on some parts, it just really didn't make sense. 6. After seeing Kim's erratic behavior, why would James still want to sleep on her couch? In some cases, it's just better to be homeless or better yet, sleep in the back room of the Stuff Shop.Is this a movie that will make you laugh? Yes.Is this a movie you can look at and can relate to, as it pertains to relationship dynamics and living situations? Yes, particularly if the relationship is new.The comedy of this actually saved the rating from being much lower.Is this a movie I would spend money on? No, I actually wouldn't. The comedic bits aren't enough to bypass the absurdity of some parts and the non-essential nature of other parts. I would not have watched this in the theater. It's highly unlikely I would even purchase the DVD. One's best bet is to do what I did and just look at it on instant stream on Netflix.
samuerle Literally batshit crazy. The entire movie is just bizarre... The summary I read was completely wrong. This is a movie about a pathetic guy who can't get his life together and wants his girlfriend to break up with him, instead of him doing it, because somehow he thinks that means he'll still get to mooch off of her and get to still sleep on her couch. But she's a complete lunatic, how he didn't know that in the 3 months prior to moving in, who knows, but she's the type of girl you'd run away from 5 minutes in to the first date. So the entire movie is just a crazy pathetic mess. It's not worth the dollar I rented it for. complete waste of time.
anaeykacolbins I totally giggled watching this movie. The chemistry between the main characters is beautiful to watch. Their sense of comedic timing made it all the more enjoyable. I brought my boyfriend to see this at the rave theater and he liked it too - but still won't admit that he laughed just as much as I did. The colors were fun - the pink was all too familiar with me and my girlfriends. I just love pink pink pink. Kevin hart was super laughs of course, but not any more than the other actors, which says a lot. The party scene by the pool was my favorite. The editing made me excited and wanted to be there with them. They must have had a good time making this. I recommend this movie because it's definitely outside the box of the typical rom-com, or should I say, un-rom-com - Nice to see a movie like this rise above all the Hollywood studio flops. You can make funny and inexpensive entertainment for the masses. Exit Strategy is proof.
shaywanting I took a chance on this "indie" film one night (playing AMC Philly) and left with not only a new opinion about indie films in general and specifically the urban romantic comedy genre, but I walked out with a smile. No bombs, no nudity, no kids out of wed lock, no dirty language, and amazingly - for urban - no drugs and guns. And yet, still very relate-able, honest -- and great acting (full cast) and unnoticeable directing by Michael Whitton. I really admired his choices, both for the actors and camera angles: unlike most independent flicks I see, which are often overbearing artistically and aesthetically too artsy -- Exit Strategy surpassed my expectations of first-time filmmaking. I'd like to see Whitton helm a 50 million dollar machine. Apparently, from what I read, it was made on a scant budget, but it didn't look like it at all. A solid visual movie feel to it. The editing was unique... very -- for a romantic comedy, but I must say it surprisingly worked quite nicely. Right to the point. Smash flashbacks and forwards made it exciting to watch. Very creative. Very. I wish more films came out like this. This film is raw, funny, complex, and mirrored real life entertainingly. Low budget doesn't mean low quality with this film.