I'm Not Ready for Christmas
I'm Not Ready for Christmas
| 14 November 2015 (USA)
I'm Not Ready for Christmas Trailers

Holly finds her world turned upside-down when she suddenly finds herself incapable of lying. (Don’t you hate when that happens?) It’s because of a wish her niece made to Santa Claus. And now, with Christmas coming up fast, she has to come to terms with her natural penchant to want to fib while trying to do the right thing. And that’s no lie.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
lynnwengland Previous reviewers have pointed out the many, many flaws in this movie including the magic, color-changing skates, but there is one glaring flaw that has not been addressed: how Higher Education works. We are led to believe that a general music teacher in a elementary school would SUDDENLY be offered the Director of Bands position at a major university. First of all, he could not have near the credentials required for this position. Public school teachers most often have a BS in Music Education; rarely will you find someone with a higher degree. Trust me, I'm a retired elementary school counselor and music teacher. An MFA in conducting, PhD preferred would be the norm. Next there's that pesky "Equal Opportunity" thing. That government agency (EEO) demands equal access under the law and frowns upon the "good ol' boy/girl network. Lastly is that troubling ethics thing which in higher education requires a national search using advertising in profession journals and publications. After a review by the search committee, a few applicants would be invited to audition resulting in an offer made to the selectee. This process takes at least at least a year, not a few days.
pecanbrown While the concept was cute,(main character not being able to lie) the writers went overboard with "Holly" explaining everything in detail. If the character is going to tell the truth, then tell the truth and move on. Alicia Witt constantly going into longs explanations made the movie, in my opinion, tiresome to watch. Also, the character of Drew (George Stults) was one dimensional with not much meat. It seemed all he did was react with a blank face at Holly's "truthful" comments. This also became boring and tiresome to watch. It seems the writers follow a particular writing pattern but maybe they should change it up a bit.I'm a huge fan of Hallmark and their Christmas movies but "I'm Not Ready for Christmas" was definitely at the bottom of the list. Not one of Hallmark's best Christmas movies.
utgard14 I'm a big fan of Hallmark movies, particularly Christmas ones. I'm also a fan of Alicia Witt in these types of movies. But, unfortunately, this one wasn't that good. It starts with an unoriginal premise (shocking for Hallmark, I know). Alicia plays a character who lies a lot and breaks promises to her young niece. The niece makes a wish to Santa that forces her aunt to tell the truth. Similar stories have been done before, most notably in movies starring Bob Hope and Jim Carrey. Perhaps it's the change in gender for the liar character, or perhaps it's just because the niece is so sweet and innocent, but something felt wrong with this one. There's something about an aunt admitting the truth that she didn't want to spend time with her niece that just soured me on this character and the movie did very little to turn that around. To make matters worse, there's a romance with bland George Stults that should have just been left out of this altogether. I know it's Hallmark so a romance has to be a part of it, but the couple here have no chemistry and their romance just seems forced. Honestly there was just something 'off' about Stults. I don't want to speculate further and attack the actor on a personal level but I will be happy if I never see him in anything again. There's also a really creepy guy playing a security guard with a John Waters mustache. The less said about this individual the better. Don't even get me started on the gross subplot involving the smarmy client (played by Maxwell Caulfield). Yet another part of the movie that does Alicia's character no favors.These things usually rely on the charms of the leading lady to overcome their flaws. Alicia Witt has certainly made some of these movies work before. But here, between her badly-written character and some creepy dudes thrown in, there's really not much she can do to save this. She does try and seems to be enjoying herself most of the time. I just wish I had enjoyed watching it more. Alicia also sings the title song, which plays several times during the movie. The song predates the movie, which explains why the title has nothing in common with the plot. She has a nice voice and the song is catchy and fun. If you don't like the movie, maybe you'll at least like the song.
story_by_corey Holly Nolan is an ad person dedicated to her job. She is so dedicated, she puts it before everything and everyone in her life.…..until she misses one too many of her niece's recitals. Mad that her aunt was a no-show, Holly's niece meets a magical Santa conveniently standing outside of the recital hall. She asks Santa for one wish. That wish is that Holly only be able to tell the truth. Santa grants it and that's when the storyline kicks in.Holly soon discovers that not only can she not tell a lie, she has lost her ability to filter her thoughts. In a normal world, that would be a bad thing. But in the Hallmark world, it opens doors and takes Holly to emotional and interpersonal places she might have never experienced. She tells her co-workers what she really thinks and it opens lines of communication. She tells a guy she'd really like to go out with him and it leads to romance. She tells an important client what she really thinks of his product during a pitch session and it lands her the big account. But does living an honest life ultimately lead to happiness? You'll have to watch the movie to find out.It's typical Hallmark fare, but Alicia Witt's performance and some thought provoking moments make this movie worth a couple hours of your time.