Christmas Incorporated
Christmas Incorporated
| 15 November 2015 (USA)
Christmas Incorporated Trailers

Sometimes, life just seems to hand you exactly what you need – particularly at Christmastime. Riley is scraping bottom when she miraculously lands a job with a wealthy New York City entrepreneur. He’s a bad-boy socialite type who is poised to play Scrooge by closing one of his factories just before Christmas, which would devastate an entire town. It’s left to Riley to talk him out of it and turn him into a man of virtue rather than shame.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
kz917-1 Cute but no sizzle!The main actors were good, but the story just lacked panache.Skip it and watch something else!
Christmas-Reviewer I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 (C H R I S T M A S ) MOVIES AND SPECIALS.BEWARE OF BOGUS REVIEWS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE NO AGENDA! I AM HONEST! I REVIEW MOVIES & SPECIALS AS A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN!Sometimes, life just seems to hand you exactly what you need – particularly at Christmastime. In this new yuletide tale, Riley is scraping bottom when she miraculously lands a job with a wealthy New York City entrepreneur. He's a bad-boy socialite type who is poised to play Scrooge by closing one of his factories just before Christmas, which would devastate and entire town. It's left to Riley to talk him out of it and turn him into a man of virtue rather than shame. But will a case of mistaken identity ruin the whole plan?What is disappointing was this had an attractive cast that could of made this film amazing. The film is by the numbers. Nothing New here folks. Its worth watching once.
Katie I consider myself a Hallmark movie junkie. I usually love watching all of the holiday movies and all of the Hallmark movies in general. They are now being so mass produced it seems that quality has been left behind as the quantity increases. I can usually look past this and enjoy the fluff and predicable story lines to pass a few mindless hours but this movie was so awful I could barely stand it. I wanted to turn it off within the first few minutes but kept watching hoping it would get better as it churned on. Two hours later it was still horrible--badly acted and full of plot holes and goofs. I clearly have too much time on my hands to have wasted it on this "movie".
mlee-53783 It's not necessarily a unique story plot... An executive takes a chance by hiring an opinionated, independent thinker. To fit in with the holiday theme, he happens to have lost a family member that always made Christmas extra special and is now sad during this time of year and so avoids it altogether. Not necessarily unique, but very sweet and had the makings of being a good movie.The biggest issue was the complete lack of chemistry between the two leads. I'm not familiar with the female lead, but she played her part well enough. (Her hair styling was weird though. Bothered me through the entire movie.) Steve Lund is a solid actor and I thought he played his role charmingly with the sensitivity inherent in his character. Unfortunately, there was no chemistry between the two of them and it made it hard to believe in them as a couple. The dialogue and interplay worked, but not as a couple. Absolutely no spark between them.One minor note regarding wardrobe... When a man is dressed in a suit (especially one at the CEO level), his cuffs should show beyond the suit jacket sleeves. I'm sure Steve Lund has long arms, but you can get a shirt with longer sleeves! That seems to be a consistent gap in all the Hallmark movies. Sorry. Its a pet peeve of mine.Having said all that, I liked the story and Steve Lund's delivery of someone rediscovering the joys of Christmas.
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