The Oxford Murders
The Oxford Murders
| 18 January 2008 (USA)
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At Oxford University, a professor and a grad student work together to try and stop a potential series of murders seemingly linked by mathematical symbols.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
cwat35 We decided to watch this movie and were dismayed to find that, from the very beginning, it was painfully bad. Despite enlisting a cast of capable actors such as John Hurt, Anna Massey, and Jim Carter, to name but a few, no one could rescue this film from its own terrible dialog, laughable contrivances, and ridiculous coincidences. We decided to watch the whole thing just to find out who done it. I wish I could say a clever end had justified the lost hour and 48 minutes of my life. Alas. And, we only have ourselves to blame. We kept shaking out heads and saying, "...but the actors are better than this!" Needless to say, I do not recommend this movie.
ignatiusloyala As an Oxonian, this film is really painful to watch. It captured little of Oxford's beauty or intellectual wealth. All it has were a bunch of mediocre actors (save John Hurt) that complement an equally terrible screenplay.I don't know how truthful it is to the original, but I find the attempted wittiness in the dialogues very unnatural and clumsily pretentious. It didn't help that it had Elijah Wood and other unexciting actors to deliver them in the most monotonous way possible. Burn Gorman (the Russian, if you can tell) was a constant eyesore whose character seems to have served absolutely no purpose in the story. In fact, the so-called sub-plots and the characters in them were all unpleasantly and purposelessly distracting that one is left wondering what the story is trying to take the audience to. And then of course there's the main plot, which is full of plot holes. Just to mention one, if the series is common enough to be mentioned in a diagram that takes up half a page of a textbook, how convincing is it for Elijah Wood, supposedly a nerdy mathematician, not to figure the pattern out upon seeing the second symbol in the series? I mean, I don't do maths, but hell, I knew the second I saw the 'fish'.John Hurt was excellent and that's all the good things I can say about this movie. Seriously, if the plot of a murder mystery sucks, you don't expect the movie to go anywhere near greatness. Too bad this film happened to be set in my town and my uni, and let's hope the audience won't think we Oxonians are as dumb.
ksm2010 This movie is a great movie. I like this kind of movies a lot. The things I liked about this movie are so many but three of them were the most ones. first, It was quite ambiguous at the beginning. However, with time it started to be clearer. Second, the characters were simple and the story also was not that complicated. My favorite character in the movie was the professor. Many people would think that what he did is wrong which was hiding the truth. I agree that what he did is wrong but he did it right!! Lastly,the movie was based on limited number of characters. In my opinion, that gave this movie a great advantage because more characters means more details which will take the focus away from the main story which is finding the murderer.
he88 I've read some of the negative comments here and generally can't disagree more. I actually found this a pretty good movie in sort of a Hitchcock likeness. I mean throughout the movie I kept changing who I thought was the murderer. With all the twist and turns the number one suspect seemed to be a different person about every fifteen minutes or so...But then something would once again point back to someone else who was looking like less of a suspect. I just love that kind of intelligent sleuth work.I had never even heard of the movie before I found it on one of the pay one of the cable channels....I'm glad I recorded it. The story was very smart and unusual because it used math and philosophy as part of the detective work (Granted this isn't a new concept, but they used it in reference to academics here so that was a bit unusual).The acting was first class from everyone. Elijah Wood has been acting since he was a little kid.....I was amazed at how well he acted then, but as an adult he's one of those actors who only have an "A" game every time. Then there's the other long time vet John Hurt who seems to fit into any character with ease. I think most of the rest of the cast was from the UK so I'm not as familiar with their history, but good performances all the way around.If you like good intelligent movies that keep you guessing all the way through....Then this is definitely for you.
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