Gleaming the Cube
Gleaming the Cube
PG-13 | 13 January 1989 (USA)
Gleaming the Cube Trailers

An Orange County teenager's carefree life of ditching class and skateboarding abandoned pools comes to a screeching halt when someone close to him dies. The cops rule the death a suicide, but the bereaved skater believes he was murdered. It's up to him to solve the case, with a skateboard.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
dancingqueen Well, yes. Christian Slater is a good "skater" character, and yes, Tony Hawk does some skating in the movie (beginning pool scene), but I just couldn't buy the "death" emotions portrayed. The parents weren't nearly sad enough, nor was Brian. And, the fact that Vinh's girlfriend would be remotely interested in him was a complete stretch. And that Brian's friends would pick on him for dressing like a prep instead of noting that he might be grieving his brother? Not terribly believable. I also think that perhaps Brian would have planned out the revenge a little better than just crashing through a plate glass window at someone's house, as well as not hiding the lighter he swiped. Oh well. Gotta love the '80s fashions and sentiments. Car chases are good!
less_than_roger this movie is great, if you like skating you will love it. if you like mad effects from an 80s movie you will love it. if you like Slater you will indeed love it!!!it is a good movie with a very bizarre story but it works well and is a great feel good movie. the story is about Slaters brother getting killed when he finds out some imformation about his work that he shouldnt know. Slater takes it in to his own hands to find out why his bro was killed and in the process finds out serous stuff. Must see, one of slaters classics!!!!8 out of 10
Chafic Alright, the movie ain't ALL THAT, but it brings back warm memories. The whole style of the movie was real cool back when I was 10, and the feelings kind of stuck.The story line is stupid but the skater-guys are cool. A lot of the acting is poor, but a GOOD MOVIE. You have to look past all the bad stuff and just try to sink into the whole 'nice family' good brother avenging the death of his step-brother theme. THEN you will enjoy it. :-)Regards, Chafie
Andras_J It doesn't get any cooler than this. This is the best skate boarding movie ever. There are some really impressive scenes and the movie totally rocks. Its a bit old school now, but so what? It just adds charactor and proves that it doesn't matter how advanced technology gets, they don't make gems like this anymore. yep, they sure as hell don't! Check out Christian Slaters hair! Its awesome. And so's this movie. Heh, Sorry to sound like a air headed boy of 13. The only thing I would ever slamm this movie for was some of the acting. Christian Slater is cool, but there were some weak performances by others. This doesn't effect the movie on bit though! Hey, and it has Tony Hawk in it. The man! Need I say anymore?2 very enthusiastic thumbs up, 10 out of 10