PG-13 | 29 August 1986 (USA)
Thrashin' Trailers

Corey and his band of skater buddies sometimes make mischief, but they're more interested in girls and having fun on their boards than in getting into any real trouble. Notorious enemy crew the Daggers, led by Tommy Hook, get their kicks terrorizing the locals at Venice Beach. When Corey starts dating Tommy's kid sister Chrissy, the Daggers are furious. The boys then take their beef to the "L.A. Massacre," a deadly skate race down a canyon road.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Judge Dredd Ahhhh..nothing like a skate down memory lane from time to time. Back in 1986 I was a skateboarding punk so this was an AWESOME movie to me. Much more so than 'Gleaming the Cube' because in Thrashin' the main story was about skateboarding. However, with time this movie has gone from AWESOME to awesomely bad. It was still fun to watch for me since it was one of my favorites from back in the day. But the clothing, skating and acting is so bad it is almost more of a comedy now. I remember wearing some of that 80's skate/surf neon apparel and when I see the neon look trying to make a come back these days I just ask....WHY!???? If you grew up in the 80's skating this is a fun watch, but if you did not...just skate on by.
Marko10 I was a nearly a kid when this movie appeared on TV and I had an opportunity to watch it again a month ago.What else to say except that all people which lived in '80s will adore this movie because it will remind them on times when life was simpler,when all people around the world respected each other much more and when young people could do anything they wanted with their lives. Skateboards however, survived,and maybe good feeling of '80s will repeat again! However,for todays kids this movie will probably be "lame" or even funny,which will only show us what have we made of world for this 20 years.Well,in waiting of new "peace era of '80s" watch this and enjoy "Trashin"!
shred4life If you take everything seriously and have a hard time finding something funny if it doesn't readily involve someone you've seen on MTV or lots of cussing, please don't see this movie. This is the kind of movie that you have to realize right away how bad it is. That's why it's a well loved film, it's so awful it's genius. It's just funny to watch them cruising down the sidewalk pulling little acid drops off of ledges, power sliding, and most of all the carving. It was all downright gnarly back then, and there's these 10 minute clips of them just tearing it up down the street, terrorizing all the citizens.If that part is at all lacking, the skateboard joust makes up for it. I kid you not, two rival gangs fight the best way they can: tie some boxing gloves to a stick and some string and try and knock each other off their boards. And they're dead serious about it, they steez out in war paint and everything. It's amazing. After that some stuff gets burnt down, and then we see a lot of pros and other sick kids ride some bowls and that's all way cool and nostalgic and whatever. The main kid gets the girl and then somehow ends up in a massive downhill race, and you get to see him train for it all Rocky style. He even has duct tape on his hands, kid goes full mechanism. If you actually want to watch it for the plot I won't ruin it for you (although it wouldn't be hard, since there really is none). This is a life changing experience, you'll be a better person if you sit through it.
Malevolent_Mark Thrashin' is an awesome skateboarding movie. I grew up watching this movie, and saw it again last month. I still enjoyed watching this movie now, and much as I did then. Its the best skating movie I have ever seen, and captures the way of 80's skating, right on the money.