Deuces Wild
Deuces Wild
R | 03 May 2002 (USA)
Deuces Wild Trailers

1950s New York City. A bad and bloody gang war is about to erupt on the dysfunctional streets of Brooklyn. The Deuces at war with the vicious Vipers. Scott Kalvert directs this tale of lust, drugs, mayhem and madness during one hot summer on the streets of New York.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Reanna Keller I don't understand why people say this movie is terrible! Being a fan of Stephen Dorff, I saw this movie in the movie store and decided to rent it. It is an amazing movie and I was hooked in the first twenty minutes.The acting is awesome. Norman Reedus (Prior to the Walking Dead) and Stephen Dorff do an amazing job in their roles. The late Brad Renfro is awesome as well. The other actors are as equal as the others. For it taking place in the 50s, it honestly does feel like the old times. The fighting scenes are perfect and I wouldn't give this movie anything less than 8 stars.
powermandan Deuces Wild is a gangland movie that pays homage to other gangland movies, with the most evident being The Outsiders. Matt Dillon even has a supporting role. This is not as good as The Outsiders, but isn't bad either. As I said, it is a homage movie that is a great watch.Deuces Wild's most parallels are from The Outsiders as I mentioned, but what makes this more unique from The Outsiders is the characters. Stephen Dorff is protagonist, Leon. Leon is the fierce leader of Brooklyn street gang, "The Deuces" who keeps control in the neighbourhood. The late, great Brad Renfro plays his hot-headed little brother, Bobby. The Deuces are rivals with another Brooklyn gang called "The Vipers," and chaos spews when Bobby falls in love with one of the Vipers' sisters, who is played by Fairuza Balk. That makes situations worse when the Vipers' leader, Marco (Norman Reedus) is released from jail. Each character in this is great and would have been a nice addition to The Outsiders. Leon is like Dallas Winston, but Leon is more respectable and there's more visible goodness in him. I can just imagine Bobby being being an Outsider too. Marco would have been a great addition to the Socs, as they were missing the vicious counterpart that would have balanced out the war. Bits and pieces have been stolen from On The Waterfront, Rumble Fish, Bad Boys and The Outsiders. But the entire cast all do mighty fine. This is Dorff's best role and one of Renfo's best.
tpaladino Hmmm... a tremendously talented young cast, tried and true subject matter and Martin Scorcese producing. A sure thing, right?Nope. Not even close. Before seeing Deuces Wild, I'd read all the mediocre and bad reviews on here but decided to give it a shot anyway, because I've been pleasantly surprised in the past. But not this time. The film is weak in every possible way, except perhaps for the setting and art direction. The story is nothing but one cliché after another, with zero originality and very little to hold your interest. The director managed the clever feat of getting horrible performances from excellent actors, although the writers deserve some credit for that also, as the script seems to have been written by a middle school class that was locked in a room with a DVD of West Side Story and a crate of doo-wop albums as their only reference material.I honestly couldn't even get halfway through it. I have no idea how Scorcese could have attached his name to this project, even as a producer. Did he even read the script?It's just a really unfortunate movie. If you're an absolute die-hard '50s addict, I suppose you'll find something entertaining in there, but other than that, steer clear. Not worth your time.
rale4musica This film while having a cliche of a storyline, really take the opportunity to highlight talented actors. I have never been a Brad Renfro fan but I definitely would vouch for his role in this movie. He plays a younger brother trying to live up to the expectations set by his past circumstances. He does this well without the old teenage angst. He is explosive and impulsive, therefore very entertaining. Stephen Dorff, a wonderful actor, portrays a character we at times love and hate. He is strong, but his soft side greatly plays into the story. And as for Norman Reedus, one of my favorite actors, he is so easily hated that you have to respect him for that level of acting. If you leave an open mind to the drama that each character is experiencing, the story actually flows together very well.