R | 08 February 1985 (USA)
Mischief Trailers

1956: The shy Jonathan's luck with girls changes when he wins the rebellious Gene as a friend in his last year of high school. Gene is adored by many girls and manages to teach Jonathan a few lessons. Gene himself would rather just be with one girl: his girlfriend Bunny. But since his father is poor, her parents don't accept him.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues First of all the leading character was swapped on this picture,the real main character is Chris Nash as Gene who changed all Jonathan's life,he acctually wants to be like him and becames so shortly is best friend at least the only one,this charming romantic comedy made in 80' but settled in the fifties when the new era to face a new sexual behavior reaching together with a Rock'n roll's advent and many youthful idols were their mirrors,like American Graffiti this one tracks in the same way,all girls are fine but Kelly Preston was the best that will be proven years later,amazing picture and also a great music score in a rockabilly style the early stage of the rock'n roll!!!Resume:First watch: 2018 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.5
callanvass One thing you'll quickly learn about me is I love anything vintage....especially the 80's. I was born in 1985...so I didn't get to experience the 80's like I wish I could have. I've made up for lost time over the years. I was looking for something interesting to watch a while back and I came across this wonderful, hidden gem. Talk about underrated! It's a great coming of age movie about the pressures of sex, life, and losing your virginity, set in the 1950's. It mirrors the 50's perfectly. The groovy 50's tunes, the outfits, and just everything in general mirrored the 50's almost to perfection. My only real carp is it's pretty crass for the 50's at times and I did wonder about some of the dialog (Some of it seemed way too modern) That's just minor nit-picking and it didn't ruin the experience for me at all. I also loved a lot of the humour. I won't spoil the whole scene...but there is a hilarious scene where one of the main characters gets an erection in class. That almost had me in stitches. The performances are a lot of fun with some terrific eye candy if you're a guy like me. Catharine Mary Stewart, Kelly Preston and Jami Gertz are all gorgeous ladies with some solid acting chops. It was kinda hard to buy Jami Gertz as a nerd, as she is too gorgeous...but she pulled it off well. Doug McKeon (Our virgin hero, Jonathan) and Chris Nash ( Gene Harbrough) are good as the best friends. Doug McKeon is a loveable loser and Chris Nash had some serious shades of James Dean with his rebellious style. The ending is really well done and I was completely satisfied with it. I thought it was fairly realistic and pretty emotional. I'm admittedly, a hopeless romantic...so it got to me. I loved this movie overall. This is a gem you need to seek out as soon as possible. I dare you not to crack a smile or two while you're watching it.8.5/10
EmreBilge There is not much of a story or character development in this movie. The movie leaves you with no clear idea what the real characters of the 4-5 protagonists really are. It gives you not much of a reason to identify with any of them. We don't learn who these people really are, where and how things had started and what they had been doing with their lives aside from the fact that the nerd used to dream about the hottie and the jock is wandering around with no reason. We can forgive the poor beginning in the hopes of an interesting story would follow. Then when the story doesn't improve and becomes interesting over time, this time you would at least start to expect the movie to move faster and see where it goes. But this doesn't materialize, either. Despite the story is poor, pacing is still slow. There is not even enough conversation between the characters as you would expect in this type of movie. And the other characters aside from the 4-5 protagonists had nothing to contribute. The 50s feeling of the movie which is the background setting, drive-in movie theaters, Eisenhower and James Dean references, the classic cars, dresses, the charm of the two leading actresses and the major supporting actor and the lovely soundtrack saves the movie. SPOILERS: Especially since the writer didn't bother to build a bond between the nerd and the jock first, the jock's suddenly befriending the nerd and decide in the first day of their acquaintance to shoulder all his problems ends up appearing totally unconvincing. And even though the main theme is suggested to be that, the jock doesn't seem to teach and the nerd doesn't seem to learn and try interesting ways to get the girl to give us an interesting story. So the hottie suddenly liking the nerd and sleeping with him even without any effective effort from the nerd aside from appearing even more bumbling and goofy on the way is also unconvincing. One couldn't understand why and how the hottie would go out with the nerd here. A guy with no confidence, no looks. Not even academic record or nervous but sincere advances by him towards her which the hottie might appear to find cute like we see on many nerd&hottie movies. And it's a pity that even after sleeping with her, even though he still likes her, the nerd still couldn't get some confidence to start a relationship with her, so remains passive and so get dumped by her despite she had asked him out for the prom.
sol- Set during the mid-1950s, this nostalgic comedy focuses on an unlucky-in-love teenager who finds a mentor in the new kid on the block, a James Dean type with a reputation with the ladies. The film successfully captures the flavour of the 1950s through thoughtful costuming, sets and music choices, and as the film affectionately catalogues several commonplace growing up experiences (looking up skirts; jealous boyfriends), 'Mischief' is pleasant enough to view. There are, however, some issues in the character department and the casting is far from perfect. Doug McKeon significantly lacks charisma as the nervous protagonist and his character is written as a dislikeable jerk who has no interest in women other than for his own gratification. Kelly Preston has an even more awkward character though as the object of McKeon's affections. She constantly comes off as unrealistically calm amid all of McKeon's shenanigans, continuing to still date him even after he rips her underwear in half (!) and more worried about being caught by her parents than something way more pressing after a pivotal love scene. Chris Nash nails it as McKeon's suave mentor though with an interesting romantic subplot of his own, and a great film could have been spun from focusing entirely upon him. That said, the film is worthwhile as it is - just not all one might expect from a script by 'Pretty Poison' director Noel Black.