R | 17 October 2008 (USA)
Parasomnia Trailers

Laura Baxter is a young woman, literally a "sleeping beauty," who suffers from a medical condition called "parasomnia." A childhood accident victim, she is actually sleeping her life away, awakening briefly on rare occasions. Art student Danny Sloan falls in love with her, unaware that her hospital neighbor, a terrifying mass murderer and mesmerist named Byron Volpe has other, more sinister plans.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Michael Ledo Danny (Dylan Purcell) likes vinyl and 60's rock. He visits Laura (Cherilyn Wilson) in a specialty hospital. He meet her once as a child. Laura is in in a near constant state of sleep, hence the title. In the room next to her is a criminal insane Hannibal type of guy (Patrick Kilpatrick) who is also a hypnotist. He has entered Laura's mind and gives her nightmares. Danny disapproves of the treatment they give Sleeping Beauty and kidnaps her, a woman who requires frequent baths.Once you can get past the fact Laura doesn't need any physical therapy to get her muscle tone back, it becomes an okay film, one with a different subject matter.What;s with the Pacer? Part of an 8 DVD multi-pack.Guide: F-word, no sex. Nudity (Cherilyn Wilson, Janet Tracy Keijser or prop.)
Henri Le Rennet At first glance the movie might seem like its using clichéd motifs & themes, like "boy meets girl" and "the intelligent serial killer". In fact it uses these to create something new. But in order to appreciate it one has to to know a little horror and to think a little for oneself - not much, no riddles here, its just that unless you've seen a lot of horror movies and read horror literature, you will probably not see whats new here. So, what is new, you might ask. Well, for instance: a serial killer who is in fact a mesmerizer, which together with the focus on dolls and automatons puts us back to the early 19th century, with stories such as "Der Sandmann" by Hoffmann.This is not a movie for the viewer whose experience in horror movies only encompasses the new sequel to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Paranormal Activity" etc, and feels violated when a movie doesn't explain everything at all time (not that there's any riddles here), and, on top of it, if one dislike movies that don't actively grab the viewer by the collar, making up for his/her innate lack of engagement, then one is bound to be disappointed in this movie. Which is a good thing since mainstream movies that fulfill these criteria will never last especially long.This is an intelligent, Gothic, movie, for the connoisseur. :-)
homecoming8 Parasomnia has an interesting premises, but the story is poorly done without any tension or even a logical approach. The cast in unconvincing, even Patrick Kilpatrick, who played great roles in movies like Scanner Cop 2, Open Fire, Under Siege 2 and Eraser. The rest of the cast is unknown (and not very good) with the exception of Jeffrey Combs. (Herbert West from the great Re-Animator trilogy). But he can play roles like this in his sleep (which is a little what he does here). The main problem is that the actions of the characters make no sense at all. The story is rather dull and predictable with cheap computer effects mixed with some gory scenes, especially at the end.This could have been so much better, I do not get the good reviews on this one. It is below average really.
BenjAii It's somewhat telling that most of the great reviews for the film on IMDb all come from people who have only reviewed one film in their entire IMDb career and yes you've guessed it, that film is "Parasomnia". I've often suspected suspiciously good reviews on IMDb for what turns out to be an anything but good films as underhand marketing , but it seems fairly transparent in this case.That's not to say Parasomnia is terrible, but it stops well short of being the good or great film it had the potential to be.On the plus side, it has a great baddie in Patrick Kilpatrick who does a brilliant job projecting menacing and evil, I could easily see him having what it takes to play a truly memorable baddie on a par with Hannibal Lecter. There are some beautiful visuals in the dream sequences, in fact if the film had decided to explore that terrain more it might have been something better. The actual concept of devious misuse of hypnosis is great too.Although I understand suspension of disbelief is necessary for immersion in any good story, it's the mark of a good story that it succeeds in letting you do that. If you find yourself being annoyed at what you find illogical or just plain silly, then the story is losing you and that's what kept happening to me with this film. Other reviewers have mentioned this here and I don't want to get into spoiler territory, but I will say the setup at the ending was particularly ludicrous and disappointing, not too mention the varying mental age of a character that is only supposed to have experienced a few years of life.All in all, there is the germ of a great idea here in diabolically misused hypnotism, but sadly this film fails to realise it into anything special.