PG-13 | 24 May 2002 (USA)
Enough Trailers

Working-class waitress Slim thought she was entering a life of domestic bliss when she married Mitch, the man of her dreams. After the arrival of their first child, her picture perfect life is shattered when she discovers Mitch's hidden possessive dark side, a controlling and abusive alter ego that can turn trust, love and tranquility into terror. Terrified for her child's safety, Slim flees with her daughter. Relentless in his pursuit and enlisting the aid of lethal henchmen, Mitch continually stalks the prey that was once his family.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Lawbolisted Powerful
Executscan Expected more
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
uncatema Slim demonstrates she doesn't end up a "me too" victim. She turns her plight into her victory.
SnoopyStyle Waitress Slim (Jennifer Lopez) falls for Mitch (Billy Campbell) and marries him. They have a child together. He's a psychopath and starts beating on her. She runs away with help from her friends. Only Mitch is relentless.This is a relentlessly Lifetime movie. There isn't any motivation other than these are psychos. There's a reason why the courtship and much of their relationship is skipped over. A careful examination is never in the cards here.Then the movie goes Rambo. Director Michael Apted is trying to find a way out. It goes into a convoluted idea of Self Defense. If she was going to kill him anyways, why would she go through all the hand to hand. It was maybe a 5 for most of the way, but the ending is way too ridiculous.
tag-515-858557 Domestic violence is a serious topic that deserves a better platform than this crazy combination of domestic drama and crime thriller. Rather than deal with the realistic situations and consequences that abuse entails, it plunges off the deep end into an unrealistic, over-the-top fantasy of a poor little defenseless wife and mother abused by her suddenly psycho husband finding the only solution to her marriage problems is to become a Hollywood-style undercover martial arts expert bent on framing her husband for plotting her "murder" and killing him in "self-defense".Egad!Even a mediocre drama where the predictable plot elements seen in endless Lindsay Wagner/Meredith Baxter (Birney)/Lifetime movies playing out the emotional trauma of abuse (the lack of self-worth; the seemingly endless legal proceedings; the need to restore emotional health) would have been better. Instead, this movie ends with an unbelievable turn into a super hero/super villain knock-down drag-out fight.There are a lot of other reviews that buy into the "vigilante revenge is its own reward 'cause everything works out in the end" plot, but be forewarned that the many plot holes, poor decisions and ludicrous actions (the nighttime sneaking out sequence is just dumb) make it difficult for the more discerning viewer to overlook the flaws. It's not so awful to enjoy on a so-bad-it's-good level but it's not really got the right movie slickness to forgive the terrible parts either.
greenejc6 I don't possibly see how people could give this movie a bad review! Enough is one of Jennifer Lopez's BEST performances. It may not be a big-budget production straight out of Hollywood, but I will say that there needs to be more movies like this. Enough is a thriller that actually keeps you locked into the plot. Also; So many movies now-a-days have great openings but horrible endings... I can honestly say that Enough has a great start (opening), and a SUPERB ending!!! The ending will leave you jumping up cheering for an encore!! Please ignore all the bad reviews and see it for yourself. You won't be disappointed.