Free Fire
Free Fire
R | 21 April 2017 (USA)
Free Fire Trailers

Set in Boston in 1978, a meeting in a deserted warehouse between two gangs turns into a shoot-out and a game of survival.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
grahame12 Nothing but bang bang, bang, bang for 90 minutes for absolutely no reason. Guns that never emptied, shots missed at point blank range and people still crawling round shot up like a cullender. A shoot-up can be worth watching, but not this one.
TheScouseassassin . Easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. An international arms deal set up in a rat infested disused warehouse, with a group of people who seem to have little or no connections at all, except those that are vaguely hinted at. The accents I'm afraid were shocking, even Sharlto Copley's and he actually is South African! Whatever the rifles were they certainly weren't AR-14's, more like modern Ruger Mini-14's. And where to start on the hour long shoot out, the seemingly endless supply of ammunition each shooter was able to find, the multitude of hits each person took with no one actually dying till near the end. By my reasoning there were at least four trained marksmen in the building yet not one could hit a barn door at six paces. An utterly preposterous movie and a waste of 91 minutes of my life which sadly I can't get back.
Asif Kazi This is the idiotic version of the Reservoir Dogs Movie , An arms deal gone sore on the folly of an asshole out of control and a sissy guy. Overall there is tangible entertainment for those who like gunshot movies but there is no compact story line here in the end movie turnout to be total disaster where no one escapes with money only regret at the end is the price of the enterprise go and watch the movie if nothing else you have for the weekend!
ritera1 There has been movies that had a very small space that have worked quite well. Phone Booth. Buried. This got about 70% there but was overcome with some poor choices. I read a bit about the production and watched the "making of" attachment on the DVD. That gave me some clues.Apparently much of the choice for it to take place in the '70s was due to cellular phones. Not much of a movie when you can call for help. But that choice also came with having some reference to it being the '70s. A few disco jokes? Someone served in Vietnam? Something like that. I think there was one passive reference to a guy's suit and that was it. And the John Denver 8-track, I suppose.Additionally the director apparently did quite a lot of research on shootouts and how they really go down. Then patterned the action to it. All well and good and seemed to reflect that because there was an absence of action and flash to it all. I'm glad it didn't flip to a Tarantino Xerox blood fest, but maybe more of early John Woo? Something more with a flair. Sure, there were slights-of-hand to the visuals, but hardly enough vs. the latitude that was there. And I thank it again for not going totally Tarantino with the dialogue and characters. There were some as they were all criminals, so a comparison was inevitable. A distinction to each and every one was present with solid acting talent behind them. Yes, it was likely that such criminals would have said the "F" word just as frequently as the characters, but was a pain to listen to in a movie and took away from further potential exposition. Not that I was offended. It was just verbal junk.I also found the logistics suspect. I was not really sold on there not being any way out for any of the characters. Even the two "suprise guests" suggested they entered from a direction that would then provide escape for the others. But they were never used or tried. It was a subject that was just dropped. And the endless supply of bullets was growing tedius. The lead-up to the shoot out was engaging and entertaining, though. But it had more to it on a whole that wasn't there. Room for another 10-15 minutes. So it shot itself in the foot in the end. (See what I did there, eh? Wink wink.)