Spring Break
Spring Break
R | 25 March 1983 (USA)
Spring Break Trailers

Two sets of two college guys spend a spring break together in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There they have lots of fun in and out of the sun.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
preppy-3 Pointless film about two nerds (David Knell, Perry Lang) who go to Ft. Lauderdale FL to celebrate spring break. They end up rooming with two studs (Paul Land, Steve Bassett) and the movie chronicles their supposedly "hilarious" misadventures while there.OK--I don't know what I was expecting watching this but I didn't expect anything as bad as THIS! The "story" was stupid and predictable to an annoying extreme with clichéd characters and stupid situations. The acting was, at best, OK. Land and Bassett were nice eye candy but Knell and Lang weren't. The jokes in the film were abysmal. I think I smiled once. And, worst of all, there was next to NO T&A! I could care less about it but let's face it--the prime audience for this is horny teenage guys. They WANT gratuitous female nudity and this movie has very little. There is a somewhat nice soundtrack but that's not enough to sit through this. A 1 all the way.
anchovyd First off, this movie is a decent, watchable teen sex comedy from the early 80's. Sure the jokes are a little lame by today's standards and it looks dated but this movie brought back memories of mid-80's Spring Breaks. It is fairly similar to what I experienced Spring Breaking in Panama City, Florida. The wet T-shirt contests, hot legs and hot buns contests, the clubs with pools and the emcees narrating the contests. It's all in here. So if you're looking for a good time capsule of 80's spring break, this is it.There's a little T&A here, nothing serious. The strangest part about this movie are the four leads who end up having to share a hotel room, the two cool guys and the two nerds. Although they are all about scoring with the ladies, they do give off a very homo/fem vibe. Almost like watching the chicks from Sex and the City at spring break. For example, right after they all meet the cool Italian guy strips down to a speedo with his pubes going all over. Then the next morning they are all crammed in the little bathroom, one showering, one brushing teeth, one shaving and one dropping a deuce on the toilet. Then when they go out they all stay together drinking and hugging, go to the bathroom together, etc. They act more like girls going out rather than guys. Maybe the movie was written by a woman.The main focus of the movie is the nerdiest one trying to lose his virginity to a pretty nerd girl who has a hot body and loves video games. The movie is nice in that the cool guys give tips to the nerds and try to help them get laid. This is a feel good movie for sure.Bottom line: A step back in time to what it was really like in Florida at Spring Break in the early 80's. Mildly amusing and entertaining. Highly Watchable when nothing else good is on.
WolfgangR5150 I am jazzed this got an official release on DVD, I can finally retire my VHS ripped DVD. I was like most disappointed at the lack of special features. But you can get a commentary form David Knells website, and it is well worth money I mean 4 bucks is nothing and makes watching the movie even more funny. I was sad to learn tonight about Paul Land , real name Paul Callandrillo had passed away in 2007. I have watched this movie so many times I am ashamed to admit how many. Out of all of the oddball beach movies this is hands down the best one ever made. Goods tunes, hilarious characters and well of course the beautiful girls. And how can you forget Nelsons dad getting arrested and just shouting sh#t. People pick this one up, go to Davids website and buy the commentary.Mike
queenb80 Please do not confuse this film with any other spring break movie made in the last ten years. This movie is vintage 80s and has the killer soundtrack to match. I saw it when I was a kid one late night while my parents were asleep and it's been near and dear to my heart ever since. It's about a rich kid who comes to Spring Break in search of love and adventure and finds both. Other than that it has Corrine Alpha singing, many shots of Spring Break rituals and romance. The thing that separates this film from many of the other Lauderdale flicks is that it has a heart. It's a heart that likes to flash it's breasts to the beat of "Caught Up in You" by 38 Special but it's a heart none the less. David Knell is adorable and if you blink you'll miss a great butt shot of Jeff Garlin from Curb Your Enthusiasm as a drunk guy who moons the camera. Fun for everyone.