Wind River
Wind River
R | 04 August 2017 (USA)
Wind River Trailers

An FBI agent teams with the town's veteran game tracker to investigate a murder that occurred on a Native American reservation.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
andrewfleming-57891 This film is enjoyable, beautiful to look at and well acted. However, the script is very flawed. The murderer is revealed at the end but is given no actual development which makes him quite a forgettable villain. The other characters are also very uninteresting. The film is quite violent at times. It also has too many characters to keep track of. The weakest part of the film was the ending. The villain dies fifteen minutes from the end and we end up being given too much time with Jeremy Renner. I wanted the final scene to be shared between Renner and the FBI agent. Instead it chooses to end with a minor character, one of the local Indians. This scene is confusing and unnesseccary. However, most of the film is pretty good. The best scene is when the police go to the caravan and there is a big shootout. Its original in many ways and could be seen as a completely serious version of Fargo. 7/10
lee_cartlidge What a great film First film in a while where I have not been distracted by anything and have been glued to the tv.Filmed in some stunning locations which really gives it the feeling of how vast the area is. Definitely worth a watch
remelcher Excellent acting and suspenseful story. Believable characters and well developed story line. Only negative was one scene indoors with camera shaking
Floated2 Wind River's director Taylor Sheridan follows up his acclaimed screenplays for of 2016 Hell or High Water and 2015 Denis Villeneuve's Sicario with his first directorial effort.. Wind River is another modern-day western, full of tense action and tough, taciturn characters trying to navigate life on the fringes of America. But if Sicario and especially Hell or High Water explored the damaging legacy of the frontier myth on a country that's rigged to favor the few, then Wind River makes the connection more forceful, set as it is on a Native American reservation that's been left to its own devices with none of the infrastructure necessary to let its inhabitants thrive. The film opens with the death of a young woman. Discovered miles from anywhere in the frozen wilds of Wyoming's Wind River reservation, she's found and identified by Jeremy Renner (Cory Lambert), a game tracker with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. He knows the girl, knows her family, knows that something horrifying must have forced this Native American teenager to run barefoot through the night until her lungs packed up. Wind River may be considered slow and boring for many as the film isn't the typical crime drama, though within the second half of the film, it picks up and becomes completely engaging. The acting from the cast is what sells the film, as well as the cinematography of the outdoors. The shots are well done. Although somewhat of a predictable mystery as we see the film descend, the second act of the film makes up for it. Recommend.