Logan Lucky
Logan Lucky
PG-13 | 18 August 2017 (USA)
Logan Lucky Trailers

Trying to reverse a family curse, brothers Jimmy and Clyde Logan set out to execute an elaborate robbery during the legendary Coca-Cola 600 race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
BrokenController The characters in this movie will carry you through it. It's out there unbelievable crazy fun and funny movie. I can't say enough about how much fun this movie is. I enjoyed just about every moment
maximize22 I find few movies enjoyable these day, or worthy of recommending to friends to watch. There is nothing new or special about this film, though the NASCAR backdrop is enjoyable (and I'm not a fan). With a few exceptions, everything works (Max coming to the bar in the beginning seemed a little too random, and Hillary Swank's godawful portrayal of an FBI agent almost spoiled it for me). The characters feel true for the most part, down to the hillbilly arguing when they should be making their getaway. I had not been a fan of Adam Driver, but he turned in a good performance without going over the top (the problem with many quirky films these days). It did feel like a little development was missing, but drew me in when I expected to have only a passing interest. Well worth a watch.
Gre da Vid A silly and improbable caper planned by mental midgets culminated in a successful robbery of the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Supposedly, all the money was recovered. Of course, authorities, in an attempt to find the perps, are baffled by the circumstances surrounding the entire event. The matter, as the Speedway says, had been concluded to their satisfaction.
anselmdaniel This review contains spoilers.Logan Lucky is a heist movie starring Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, and Daniel Craig. The movie starts with the main character working a construction job. He is then fired due to an injury and he begins creating the heist plan. He employs his one-armed brother, and a felon that specialized in explosives. The entire movie is centered around the heist's planning, execution, and aftermath.The acting from the entire cast is great. Even the child actors fit their roles well. The movie takes place in the American South and all of the cast members have a regional accent. This helped the audience actually believe in the setting and characters. Daniel Craig does an exceptional job with his character of Joe Bang. He has the mannerisms of a convict and he pulls it off with conviction.The directing in the movie is somewhat bland. Scenes did flow together well and each image captured its spirit correctly. In this type of movie, the somewhat bland direction still did not detract from the direction.The writing in this movie had a great feel. The movie felt like it took place in the South. Mannerisms and even accents felt localized. The characters were well-written. None of the movie felt out-of-place. Although the plot was formulaic and basic, the dialogue and setting were enough to elevate it further. There were not any big plot holes in this movie.I would recommend Logan Lucky.