American Made
American Made
R | 29 September 2017 (USA)
American Made Trailers

The true story of pilot Barry Seal, who transported contraband for the CIA and the Medellin cartel in the 1980s.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jayden-Lee Thomson One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
kevinthomaschau-247-677932 Following the success of Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise has done it again! Tom Cruise and Doug Liman are a perfect duo, This is a must see film! I can't wait for you guys to see it and I think you're gonna love it!
SirBurgh Without spoiling it, this movie attempts to assign a heinous act to Ronald Reagan when he was in no way responsible. I'm not talking about Iran-Contra in general, but watch near the end of the movie the way they try to frame him as a heartless person who puts someone's life in danger. It's BS - he never did that. Read up on the facts of this operation.
kenorton-246-495155 Never trust the government at any level. They win, you lose.
Myriam Nys First the good : there is quite a lot of colour, excitement and panache. The movie clearly works on the "never a dull moment" principle, piling on the twists, turns, pursuits, escapes and jokes. The numerous spectacular flight or stunt scenes involving airplanes deserve special mention. Sadly the movie is dogged by a number of plot holes. To quote but one example : the CIA hires a pilot in order to transport weapons from point A to point B. This is supposed to become a long-time arrangement, whereby the man executes numerous flights. The pilot does execute numerous flights. However, he does not drop off his cargo at point B, he drops off his cargo at point C, so that the weapons benefit a whole different party. The CIA does not notice or suspect this fact for a very long time.Really ?This, at least to my untrained ears, sounds highly implausible. One would think that someone somewhere would notice that the supposed beneficiaries go weaponless, in the same way that someone somewhere would notice that a third party is receiving huge amounts of weapons it isn't entitled to. Moreover, one would think that the CIA would have some kind of monitoring or supervision protocol, especially when dealing with persons known to be quixotic and unreliable. But nah, the CIA entrusts a delicate and costly mission to a known maverick, without checking progress or results. There are small-town cupcake bakers who run their business with more vigilance."American made" does deserve credit for pointing out that the CIA has a sad habit of interfering in international affairs, often in the most duplicitous or violent way. However, these episodes deserve a far more searching and in-depth approach than the one provided by the movie.