Smart House
Smart House
G | 26 June 1999 (USA)
Smart House Trailers

Ben Cooper and his family are struggling to get a grip on household chores, school and work. So when Ben sees that a Smart House is being given away, he enters the competition as often as he can, until they eventually win the house (named Pat). After moving in, Pat's personality begins to radically change, and the family starts to resent her.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
sandy_hills8888 This is such a beautiful movie with a beautiful message. I remember watching it when I was a very young and falling in love with it, since then it has been my second favorite movie of all time, next to Titanic of course. The lovable hottie Ryan Merriman plays very well in his role as the responsible nerdy Ben and Katy as the smart house. I watch it every time it shows on Disney which is thank God two times a month normally. Watch it people you wont be disappointed. P.S. May God continue to bless you Ryan with all the beautiful things that life has and may you continue to have a successful career in television and films, I've been your fan since Everything That Rises with Dennis Quaid, which is also a great movie. PEACE AND LOVE FOR America AND THE WHOLE WORD.
robertsays2182 This movie as a whole is fine, but in certain spaces it's a delight. Ryan Merriman is great in his part, Katie Volding is good, Katey Segal is great, Kevin Kilner and Jessica Steen are not bad either. The special effects can sometimes be off, but they have their moments. The house is one I wish I had, minus the mayhem. The writing is alright. The directing is fine too. If you're wondering why my review is kinda weak, It's because I have not seen this in 6 years. But I remember It enough to give it a 5. Some of the editing is pretty weak. But I had fun and that's whats important. So lets review--Best part: Katey Segal and the House. Least parts: editing, and some of the effects.
Lazarus Smith It's movies like these that make me wonder what insane people would be shameless enough to put their names on this piece of trash. Spoiler: There is a ridiculous dance scene that made tears come to my eyes as I was laughing at the dork flailing around to a boy band. Dialouge= terrible. Little girl= annoying. Dad= stereotypical. Watch it for the laughs, not for the quality. There are some good Disney movies out there, this is not one of them!!! There is also a scene where the entire family must defend there lives in an exaggerated smoothie malfunction scene. Parents, this is one movie that you probably don't need to watch with your kids.
MovieAddict2016 This aired on Disney a few years back as one of their infamous "Original Movies." The concept is something from a "Simpsons" Halloween episode: a computer home is won by a family and they move in only to find their lives dominated by a glitch in the system.In this case the glitch is a visual representation of a woman who seems to think she's the mother of the new family that's moved in...she takes control of their lives and locks them inside the house. Ryan Merriman plays the whiz-kid genius who wanted to win the house, then decides, "Hey, Dad, maybe we shouldn't have moved in here"...after having complained about wanting to throughout the entire beginning of the film.No Disney Original Movie is going to be very good and this follows all the clichés - bad actors, bad script, inept director at the helm (probably a TV veteran and first-timer when it comes to film-making).Overall this is not really worth your time as it is something "The Simpsons" managed to do in 30 minutes and even their version seemed more realistic and less insulting than this...