| 12 February 2017 (USA)
Magellan Trailers

After NASA picks up a trio of mysterious signals from within our own solar system, astronaut Roger Nelson is dispatched on a multi-year solo mission aboard the Magellan spacecraft to investigate the sources.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
bruceburns Overall, I thought the acting and plot were good although it was truly unbelievable to have NASA send only 1 astronaut on this type of mission. It wouldn't happen, IMO. Due to the low budget I cannot complain about the special effects, scenery etc. I actually thought the exterior space scenes with the space craft, planets, moons etc. were very well done given the low budget. I also felt the scriptwriter was sloppy in creating tension with regards to the time Roger was given to retrieve the 2nd sphere. Given his location when told he had 15 mins to retrieve the object, return to his ship and launch in order to not miss the launch window for the 3rd destination was very unrealistic. And given his actions, the accidents that occurred and the fact that the writer did not allow for him to secure the box to his suit with a lanyard freeing up his hands was really sloppy. I wasn't afraid for him at all, just bored and angry at the writer at the same time. All that being said, I was really interested in the story and wanted know what was going to happen next. As for the ending, I really wanted them get Roger to the 4th destination instead of ending at the start of that mission. Maybe end it when he got to the 4th destination. Except for the issues discussed previously, I enjoyed the movie and if a sequel is made, I will watch it.
dianadiehl One of the best science fiction movies I've seen in a long time! I'm so glad I ignored the ratings on Amazon.I have always been fascinated with the psychology of a person who would face the unknown. What kind of person sails off to find the Northwest Passage, explores the Amazon River Basin, takes a bathyscaphe to the deepest ocean trenches, or sails around the world in the face of skepticism and great personal risk? Through the story of one man's expedition into space, "Magellan" explores the driving curiosity and quest for significance that has sparked humankind to spread across the planet.What "Magellan" is not: this movie is not an action or suspense movie. It's not a space opera. Despite a few attempts at creating a sense of urgency through restricted launch windows (this is not a spoiler--it's a space movie, so it's expected), this movie does not contain nerve-wracking countdowns to self-destruct sequences or chase scenes. It is not a big budget, eye candy extravaganza. The minimalist sets and straightforward production values may not meet the expectations of your average movie-goer who is habituated to breath-taking environments or mind-blowing special effects. (I will go see movies just for the CGI & effects.) Nonetheless, the starkness and simplicity added to my enjoyment. I kept catching myself thinking over and over, "Hey, this is really different--and I like it--a lot!"Who might like this movie: Anyone who ever wanted to be an astronaut. anyone fascinated with the possibility of life--any life--out there. Anyone interested in the uses of AI in space exploration; serious science fiction readersThe acting of the part of the protagonist, a NASA astronaut and scientist, is exceptional in an understated way. I felt as though I were watching the personal odyssey of a real astronaut and not a Hollywood celebrity playing an astronaut. His behaviors were relatable. His focus, sense of duty, and determination define the kind of quiet hero I expect in real life and real exploration. Plotwise, I railed at some of the his actions, but they are well within behaviors of some (not most) scientists in real life and consistent with the development of the character. Curiosity is a compelling motivation. The story arc is convincing, and the hero is a likeable every-man--with some higher academic education.One reviewer was dismayed about the jargon in the movie. However, I found the use of a little biochemistry and physics terminology refreshing. It was not very complex--just enough to make it feel real. It's nice to see a movie not dumbed down to a sixth-grade education level. And the ability of the actor to portray the simple joy of being "onto something" in the lab made me feel as though I were right there.The movie proposes more questions than it answers about the possibilities of extra-terrestrial life. So if you are expecting "Alien" monsters or "Star Wars/Trek" aliens--or even "Contact" mysticism, this is not your movie. This is a subtle story about what makes humans explore and the effect on the families explorers leave behind, not about creatures from outer space. It is about the desire for humans not to be alone in a universe that is inconceivably huge.The cast is small. Although the protagonist's performance was very strong, the supporting cast could have been a little better, perhaps through editing. Nonetheless, I was mesmerized by the story and never bored for a minute. Great movie to come from Kickstarter origins.Movies this one brings to mind (could be because of music, dialogue, structure, plot, premise,): Contact, 2001 Space Odyssey, Castaway, The Martian, any movie with a talking computer.
rickswami The first thing about this film that every viewer needs to realize is that it was done with an extremely low budget. No flash and glamour in this one. However, this is a thought provoking film. The screenplay was well written and Brandon Ray Olive gave a great performance as Commander Roger Nelson. I was so entranced as the story unfolded, that I did not care about the low budget props. Even though, i thought the set scenery for Mars was well done. This movie was able to thread many real scientific theories and suppositions, and tickled your imagination for the possibility of life beyond earth. An expedition that was curiosity driven, but yet demonstrated the very human element of a relationship being fractured by the extended voyage of a married astronaut who is struggling with the anguish of being separated from his spouse for an extended period of time. The voices of A.I., Ferdinand and Neil, were both well done. This movie will appeal to those who prefer a well written script over spectacular special effects. I'm sure if this movie had a 20 million dollar budget, it could compete with the Sci Fi movies produced by Hollywood. This movie is an example of metaphoric saying, "having nothing but lemons and making lemonade."
Fredrick Jackson The first thing that I did not understand about this lousy movie is why would America (N,A.S.A) send only one man on a mission this important. The Chinese sent a least 3 and we still don't know what happened to them. The Chinese it seems were just being used as bad guy's to create some kind of plot tension. This movie was cheap and made very little sense to the science fiction community. The ending was abrupt and made no sense. Some reviewers keep saying it's about a sequel, I think they just ran out of story and didn't know how to end it. There will not be a sequel to this rubbish. Watch it only if you have absolutely nothing else to do or watch.