The Red Pill
The Red Pill
R | 14 October 2016 (USA)
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When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs. Chronicling Cassie Jaye’s journey exploring an alternate perspective on gender equality, power and privilege.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
carolyn_rose_14 Common sense refutes many of the claims the MRAs make throughout the film. Almost everyone of these claims is backed by little more than anecdotal evidence that the filmmaker never questions. What statistics are used are never given context. It is genuinely hilarious how frequently the MRAs accidentally use common feminist sayings without realizing the irony. Some valid points are brought up by the MRAs, but most issues they bring up are also areas of concern of feminist movements. Another LARGE thing to consider is that this is a very white perspective. No people of color interviewed--and that is not for lack of experts. Sympathy for MRAs can only go so far. To a point it is just pathetic, and this film crosses that point.
russgreenie Amazing Film. Extremely well done and engrossing. I m neither a Feminst nor MRA. However, I have see enough documentation and have had personal experience that radical feminsts will try to shut down anything that does not 100% support their agenda. Their "protests" involve screaming, spitting and cursing. Name me one right that women do not have. Any form of "Patriarchy" has been dead for at least 40 years.
dj-anti-matter Watched this entire thing in full,This doesn't deserve to be called a documentary. It may as well be a nothing more than a propaganda piece for the MRM. Do not waste your time on it. If you decide to watch it make sure you actively research every person interviewed to understand exactly who they are.Just 1 example: Paul Elam, a deadbeat father who openly has stated he would never vote to convict if serving on a rape jury. It goes downhill from there rapidly.If these specimens are what today's American society considers men, I'm ashamed to be one.
Emphinix Earlier this year I saw this documentary and when I saw the whole thing I was like...Wow! Because the documentary is about the journey of a staunch feminist who tries to explore the Men's Rights Association and try to expose it as an organization that is sexist and misogynistic. But then during her journey, she begins to question her own feminist views.Now, this documentary is pretty fair to both sides and does not say things like "F--- the Feminist Movement" or "F--- the MRAs". And also when I heard about how many feminists protested the screening of the film, I decided to see for myself and now I understand the reason why feminists wanted this film banned.It's because they're so afraid of the truth that men suffer so much and how the double standards of the feminist movement poison everything. It is also shown how feminists hate it when a non-feminist try to speak up and try to silence them because they're so indoctrinated and so narcissistic that they act like the Spanish Inquisition and the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages.This documentary proves that men are seen as expendable, how they get screwed over in family courts, the fallacies of the so-called "rape culture", and statistics that show the sad truth and major differences between men and women.Of course, after this documentary, feminists would call Cassie Jaye a traitor and a sell-out, which is a typical reaction you'd expect from a feminist. Because it's like when you join their movement, you belong to them.There is so much people can learn through this documentary. Every man and woman should see this. For if you seek equality, we must sit down and talk things without silencing anyone.
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