Stop Making Sense
Stop Making Sense
PG | 22 September 2023 (USA)
Stop Making Sense Trailers

A concert film documenting Talking Heads at the height of their popularity, on tour for their 1983 album "Speaking in Tongues." The band takes the stage one by one and is joined by a cadre of guest musicians for a career-spanning and cinematic performance that features creative choreography and visuals.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Lee Eisenberg Since Jonathan Demme's death last year, I've tried to see how many of his movies I can watch. "Stop Making Sense" is one of them.I first learned about the Talking Heads when my parents rented Wim Wenders's "Until the End of the World" (which included one of the Talking Heads' songs and featured a music video showing disembodied heads speaking). My parents and I later saw David Byrne in concert. It wasn't until a few years later that I started listening to the Talking Heads' songs, namely "Burning Down the House" (thanks to "Weird Al" Yankovic's usage of it in a polka medley). Now I've finally seen their famous concert movie. What an experience. This is one of the best concert movies ever made. The cool cinematography and clever editing make this something that you have to see.
Richard_vmt I rented this disk from netflix by what process of selection I forgot and almost did not play it. I expected "talking head" interviews. I thought it would be a talking head film about the Talking Heads. I also do not readily mix with music videos. So I was pleasantly surprised when I played the disk I found it was all music, no talk. I suddenly realized what a huge Talking Heads fan I have been all along. Talking Heads came along for me mostly on radio and here I see that every single song which they sing here was a smash hit. It is wall to wall music. By "they" I am thinking mostly (exclusively) of the scrumptious Tina Wheymouth, everyone's perfect, clean and dainty high school crush. David Byrne alone by himself got me to thinking any natural singing talent must be inconsequential compared to the energy that goes into it. It is the drive to produce which is remarkable. The ectomorphic Byrne really puts his entire nervous system into the song and with video we see as well as hear it. The choreography is as amazing as the music. Byrne is a sort of magician.If you like Talking Heads music to start with, you will love this film. This will be a disk you wish to own as part of your music collection.As for making sense, it almost does, leaving me a bit worried about what I might be getting into, should the lights come up. Such are the dangers of listening to rock n roll.
Jay This vibrant, exhilarating registration of two fantastic Talking Heads concerts proves: "Au contraire, mes chères!" (which means "No way - Jose")David Byrne again proves he is no less than a musical genius. In the confusing "punk era" mentioned above the Heads stood tall - and continued to produce their own atmosphere. A _female_ bass player - oh yes - and how skillful she is! Tina - we all love her! Jerry Harrison, and Chris Frantz and the other band members - likewise.Watch the over-sized suit Byrne is wearing - however did he come up with that idea? The Trademark for this movie.I recommend this work of art to everybody that is willing to take a dive in a deep and controversial, blue and clear ocean also known as "new wave". Musical history is written...don't miss it..nuff said.
phmurphy This concert/movie is simply a brilliant collaboration of music and film. First off, you have the Talking Heads, perhaps one of the most creative and interesting bands in the history of music who put on a concert that is so imaginative that I still cannot believe it happened. Second, you have veteran Director Johnathan Demme who brings the darkness and creepiness that he used in such films as Silence of the Lambs and Philadelphia, to a concert with sort of a dark and creepy demeanor, i.e. David Byrne in general, the style of music, the dancing. I mean dark and creepy in a good way however. I cannot help to think that this movie is also a comedy. David Byrne's movements, the bass players dancing, the songs and just everything i get a kick out of. I have always been a big fan of the Talking Heads, but after seeing this movie, my love for them skyrockets. They are a unbelievable band with an imagination that rivals that of the likes of Shel Silverstein and the Cohen Brothers. I could literally go on and on about how brilliant this movie is. I think the next time i watch it, i may actually get up and dance. I only wish that I could have been at the actual show. I also cannot figure out what I like better, The Last Waltz or this. Shame on anybody who badmouths this movie or the band in general. See this and then see it again and again and again. 10/10