Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui
Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui
PG | 21 October 2004 (USA)
Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui Trailers

In the time before time, six unlikely Matoran find themselves transformed into mighty Toa. The new Toa Metru must prove themselves as true heroes, find the missing Toa Lhikan, and uncover a plot that threatens the heart of Metru Nui.

TinsHeadline Touches You
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
moviecyborg This second installment to a successful movie Bionicle 2 is no coffee coaster. This movie is the best in the series of 4 parts. The plot is amazing and the voice-overs are great but the lipsyching is a little cheesy. There is an okay amount of action and could use more. The scenes that use action go by fast. At the end when Vakama is fighting Makuta all Vakama does is run away from Makuta. Although this does damage to Makuta, it would be better if they actually fought. The end is pretty lame but cool in a way. The ending would have been better if Makuta was knocked off a cliff and trapped down there instead of sealed in protodermis. I know we have seen the cliff scene in many movies but it works better for this movie. Although this movie has a few minor faults it still is worth watching and overall it has an eight out of ten so it is definitely not bad.
ericsbionicles OK, because the movies are made to promote the recent bionicle productsbefore them. This one had an excuse to put the Toa at the center of things.There's a lot more action in this one but disappointingly. None of the characters use their elemental powers because the story focuses on the masks.It's still a bit cheesy, but at least this one as some decent humour. If this is the first bionicle movie you've seen, and you're not fan, it'll look stupid. If you are a bionicle fan and understand how little time the movie makers are given to make these. You'll take it a lot more lightly, despite the cheesy dialogue, and the "Sit down Whenua scene".Then, if you're Maori. You'll either hate the fact that Bionicle uses Maorilanguage. Or you'll laugh, because the words are used differently. (There was a cyber terrorist attack on Bionicle's biggest fan site "BZPower" by two angry Maori representatives, who as it turned out, weren't even legal representatives.)It's also constructed better. but I'm hoping to see a better quality of direct to video releases from the Bionicle team. there are going to be more sequels. If you think outside the box, the Bionicle movies are just one big promotion, like the ad ons they sometimes give the sets (US only).So, a warning if you're going to watch it. You (a) have to excuse thecheesieness. (b) be warned that the story is going to be fast paced (they had a heck of a lot of stuff to pack in) and (c) Take time to understand the storyline. It is complex and designed for Bionicle fans. So, a big note would be that they have to save the "Heart of Metru nui" only they don't know what that is, so when they find out that the matoran (people of the city) are in danger, they quickly assume that the matoran are the heart. But ther's a twist there.So to sum it up. You don't need to have watched the first one to get this. They are set in two different story lines, quite distant form each other. Plus, it's a prequel, so there shouldn't be much trouble.Out of ten, as a bionicle fan, I'd give it 7 (one mark lost for cheesieness. One mark lost for fast pacing. And one mark lost for getting some of the timeline wrong, but's a fan thing so don't worry about it.)Prett good movie
RIOTFLEA Let's face it. The first Bionicle movie was insultingly "kiddy". Even toddlers watching it had to rethink if they were too old to be included inside the intended target audience. Not this sequel. Where violence occurred off-screen in the first movie, this has it right out in the open. You have projectile and physical attacks. You have kidnapping, scary moments, hopeless moments, brave moments. You have drama that's adequate enough for an adult, but not way over the head of a child. My main gripe with the movie is not even with the movie itself. It's that the character designers went WAY too far outside merely updating the toys to work as CGI objects. Their redesign of Nivawk for example resulted in a character who has no toy counterpart. So if your kid is jumping up and down for you to buy "the cool, purple bat guy with blue wings", good luck. You will NOT find it in the toy store. Not looking anything like the one in the movie anyway. Back on subject: Great effects, great story, well executed. Not too scary for nightmares, but not so kiddy it's embarrassing. WORTH YOUR MONEY. -JINZONINGEN 73
bioniclefreak01 The first Bionicle movie, Mask of Light, released in 2003, was a very good film, but lacked action and intensity, and was a bit too simple and junorized. Thankfully, this problem has been solved in the prequel, Legends of Metru Nui. The storyline, which revolves around the six new Toa Metru trying to save the Matoran and rescue Toa Lhikan from the Dark Hunters, whilst trying to discover Metru Nui's darkest, deepest secret, is a lot darker and more complex than before, and it all really pulls together in the end, which is excellent. The villains are far more powerful and creepy than the Rahkshi in Mask of Light, and the final villain, which I won't name for spoilers sake, is the best of them all. The only weak points are in the complexity of the story, which might confuse some casual viewers, and there are only a few bonus features, despite the fact that they're very cool, with several sneak peeks that are great for Bionicle fans. Overall, this movie is really worth it!