Jill Rips
Jill Rips
R | 28 January 2000 (USA)
Jill Rips Trailers

A tough guy goes undercover on a personal mission of vengeance into the hardcore world of S&M, to find out who's responsible for the death of his brother.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
adonis98-743-186503 A tough guy goes undercover on a personal mission of vengeance into the hardcore world of S&M, to find out who's responsible for the death of his brother. Jill Rips gave most of it's attention to the beautiful women than the script and the storyline in general and that makes sense i guess? Dolph Lundgren as pretty much always tries to save this movie and give us a tolerable and watchable film but unfortunately we never truly get something like that and the end result is beyond boring and beyond just unrelatable to even care and that's kinda sad. (0/10)
Frank Markland Dolph Lundgren stars as a former cop/boxer who searches Boston's kinky scene to find out who killed his brother,who was well thought of in the community, however along the way he learns how his brother enjoyed kinky sex and that a serial killer is to blame. Dolph Lundgren is very good in this movie, in fact on the basis of his performance here, one would forget Lundgren's rise to fame involved action roles. That said the material gives Lundgren nothing to work with, in fact, Lundgren is completely left out to dry in a dreary thriller which is both predictable and incomprehensible. Co-Star Danielle Brett is also good, in fact the film works best when it centers around the chemistry of Lundgren and Brett, indeed had the film taken the time to explore their relationship the film would've been fairly decent. However the movie is lackluster, the action is non-existent, the plot not given enough exploration (Too much boring B.S around Lundgren's investigation of his brother's employer) and the film is needlessly gory and ridiculous. Once again, Lundgren is actually really good (As is newcomer Danielle Brett) but the film just lumbers from one sequence to the next, which makes this movie particularly disappointing. If anything else though, it shows how underrated Lundgren is, as an actor.*1/2 Out Of 4-(Poor)
BloodTheTelepathicDog In how many ways can a person tell another to avoid a film?This mess of a movie, is all to easy to decipher. If you can't figure out who the real murderess is fifteen minutes into this stinker, than you should be monkey-stompedThe plot centers on Matt Sorenson(Lundgren), a burnt out ex-police officer drunk, how about that tired Hollywood cliché, who searches for the killer of his kinky-sex addicted brother.Dolph slaps around everyone that he comes into contact with, from the numerous hoodlums to his only pal on the police force. Why the hell he slaps around his only buddy is beyond me, maybe its to build his character, but for what purpose?Plenty of leather uniforms and toys that I hope to never see in my bedroom.
davideo-2 STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All CostsDespite having no other major actors and having a regular Lundgren director,Jill Rips is Lundgren's most breakthrough film since Pentathlon ,after a decade spent starring in otherwise cheap,cliched fodder.The mystery/thriller element is immenently stronger than the action,which there really is virtually none of.Out the lot of them ,Dolph has always seemed the one most desperate to act rather than exploit his martial arts abilities than the likes of Van Damme,Seagal and Norris.The intricately wound plot is an inspired blend of Basic Instinct and the more recent Nicholas Cage thriller 8MM,in it's themes of S&M bondage and perverted deprivation.This is well worth seeing.Dolph doesn't look like he'll ever escape DTV movies ,and make another major film like Universal Soldier again,but all the same,and speaking of Van Damme,this is pretty much to Dolph's late career what Legionnaire was to the boasty Belgian.****