Welcome to Sarajevo
Welcome to Sarajevo
R | 26 November 1997 (USA)
Welcome to Sarajevo Trailers

Follow a group of international journalists into the heart of the once cosmopolitan city of Sarajevo—now a danger zone of sniper and mortar attacks where residents still live. While reporting on an American aid worker who’s trying to get children out of the country, a British correspondent decides to take an orphaned girl home to London.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
syphlect Just to point out something, that previous comment that said that Muslims weren't the victims in this war, just to tell you, how can anyone know who was the victim and who wasn't? My father lost all of his family in this war, his younger sister was shot right in front of him. His mother died a painful death, today my father has no one to call and check on to, why? because NOT all, but most Serbs who fought the war didn't give a rat's ass if you were a Muslim child, youngster, or if you needed a cane to walk with, all they wanted is murder and believe me i had to witness all of that myself.To generally speak about this movie, i watched it just right now as we speak, and the movie qualifies to show you some of the brutal slaughters that happened during those tragical unbelievable years. You can ask any Bosnian Muslim about the war, and they won't talk about it. My best friend's older brother was 9 years old when he saw Serbian soldiers take his father to his own backyard, torturing him, and killing him in front of his very own child, and then people dare to say that the Serbs were the victims? still this day, my friend's brother has effects from that day, you look at his face and you know that there is something wrong.This isn't basically a movie review, this is MY side of the story on how it happened and on how no one seemed to care about hundreds of children dying each day because some stupid nonsense pricks decided to kill everyone just to have their own F'n independence, well all i can say is i take big Sh.. on your independence. This movie brought my friends to tears, those who don't know 1% about the war, and surely it will bring those who actually lived it. I voted it a 10 just because i am actually glad they show the real side of the war, and how WE were the F'n victims. Hate this comment or love it, i don't care, but at least i shared the truth of my opinion, and the truth of our war.
Gordon-11 This film is about a group of journalist covering the news of the war in Sarajevo. They have decided to take the matter into their own hands as the West fails to do anything about it."Welcome to Sarajevo" is a striking, engaging and saddening drama. It is raw, brutal, and it evokes so much emotions in me. The usage of real documentary footage in the film enhances the realism and shock effect of the film. Indeed, it is hard to watch all the dead bodies on the roadside. And the United Nations spokesman saying there are thirteen places worse than Sarajevo provokes so much anger in me. The bureaucracy is scandalous and heinous. It is so hard to see lives lost, dreams shattered and cities destroyed. One of Flynn's lines about if the attacking side was reversed may well be right. Apart from raising awareness, sympathy, despair and anger, "Welcome to Sarajevo" also looks at ethical issues of who is to decide what is right for the people. "Welcome to Sarajevo" is engaging and well made. It deserves more attention than it is getting.
Emir Kazic The movie was depressing. Thats because it told the war like it is. Its true that both sides suffered in the war, but one side suffered a cut while the other side was cut in half.I liked how the movie depicted the situation as it was, and illustrated the media as a corporate entity trying to make money and advance themselves to the "first page" of the paper as opposed to something overly sympathetic. Bottom line, it was believable.My knock against the movie was the ending. I suppose the directors left the ending open and up in the air, just like the war. You think you have an idea of what may happen, but you really have no idea at all. So it was symbolic, but the whole movie didn't follow this theme, rather it was a story, and naturally you want to see how it ends.
LydiaHollowell This is a movie that will leave the viewer stunned for two reasons: the acting on all levels is superb and the subject matter is heart-breaking. I rented this movie and then bought the video because of Stephen Dillane's performance and the fact that this movie is so beautifully done. It will leave you emotionally exhausted, as if you've lived through the sadness of war, but will also leave you uplifted that this is based on a true story. This is what a good movie is all about: you feel for the characters, you empathize, you're happy for them and realize the terrible dilemmas that war puts human beings in. Not to mention what human beings have to see in war, how lives are destroyed and just how wretched war is. This is a must-see movie. It will also allow viewers to realize what a terrific actor Stephen Dillane is and how all of the actors in this movie interact and play off one another in a very realistic way. If you've only seen Woody Harrelson and Marisa Tomei in comedy roles, you will now realize they can do drama as well.