The Trip
The Trip
R | 01 November 2002 (USA)
The Trip Trailers

When 19-year-old gay-rights activist Tommy and 24-year-old Alan first meet in 1973, they find themselves on the opposite sides of the political coin...

VividSimon Simply Perfect
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
jjnxn-1 A captivating small film dealing with the relationship of two gay men over many years and the surrounding upheaval of the gay movement. Many wonderful supporting performances contribute to the overall goodwill of the film. Sirena Irwin is a sketch as Beverly the trend jumping Greek chorus and Jill St. John an absolute scene stealer as Alan's boozy wise mom but the entire cast even in the smallest roles are splendid. The musical score is also loaded with excellent choices which really set the right tone for each scene. It all boils down however to the chemistry and performances of the two lead actors which are strong and makes you really like and root for the characters throughout their journey.
zombiewithanidentitycrisis OK, I'm most likely in the minority here, but i was not a fan of this movie. I liked parts of it, I liked the whole gay activism theme of the movie, i very much enjoyed that, along with the occasional view of real life footage, and i thought the acting was quite good. However, i didn't think it was a good movie. I think the only time it got to be a good movie was the final 20 minutes, when they were on the road trip. If the entire movie had been like that, two exes on a road trip reuniting, i might have enjoyed it a bit more, but i just didn't enjoy it for some reason. I don't think i can really put my finger on why i didn't like it, i just didn't. It seemed a little too predictable i guess, a couple of things weren't explained very well, and i guess i would have liked to have seen a bit more of Alan (or Andy, i'm not very good with names) and his coming out process. It just seemed like 'yep, i'm now gay!'. I would have liked to have seen it explored a bit more, his mindset while he was writing the book. Anyway, that's just my opinion. An OK movie, just not one i'd watch again
bon-ami-2 The first half of it is interesting, a beautiful love story. The middle part is touching. And the final part really made me think. To think about life, time and love. It is one of the very few movies that makes me think after viewing it. Though, because of living environment, I cannot understand some parts of it, such as Nixon and Republicans. If I could, I probably will give it a higher score. So it is hard for me to write much about the essence of the plot. I was so astonished when I saw Americans paraded for gays' rights already in the 1970's. But so far, it is good enough. It consists unawareness, happiness, twist, death and not being able to control.
l-phelan "The Trip" is one of the best romances I've ever seen. After a seemingly endless barrage of horrible gay films, I was actually taken aback by how good this film turned out to be. The story features well written, witty, and humorous dialog that moves the plot line believably through the years that the story encompasses. The performances are uniformly good, but Larry Sullivan is a real stand out as Alan Oakley. His performance lends credibility to the character he is portraying as he grows through landmarks of history (gay historical landmarks in particular). After purchasing this film on DVD, I did an Internet search and was disappointed that this gifted actor has not done more films. Wake up Hollywood! Sullivan is pleasing to look at, talented, and has a certain magnetism that draws the viewer into the story. The enormity of his appeal is hard to describe, but I have no doubt that the right vehicle would make him into a major star. Other stand outs in the film are Steve Braun (who reminds me a lot of a young Brad Pitt) who does an excellent job as Alan's gay activist lover, and Sirena Irwin as Beverly (a woman just slightly ahead of her time). Veteran actors Ray Baker and Jill St. John give substantial supporting performances, and Julie Brown gives a memorable quirky cameo performance as an 80's Madonna attired receptionist. Alexis Arquette plays "Michael" a slightly stereotypical funny slut (a year working as a bartender in a gay bar taught me that there are many people who are this "over the top" in real life). Overall, I recommend this film not as an excellent "gay" film, but as an excellent film in general.