The Butterfly Effect 2
The Butterfly Effect 2
R | 10 October 2006 (USA)
The Butterfly Effect 2 Trailers

After his girlfriend, Julie, and two best friends are killed in a tragic auto accident, Nick struggles to cope with his loss and grief. Suffering from migraine-like seizures, Nick soon discovers that he has the power to change the past via his memories. However, his time-traveling attempts to alter the past and save his one true love have unexpected and dire consequences.

Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Wizard-8 I *did* see the original "The Butterfly Effect" years ago, but so much time has passed since then that I hardly remember much about it, except that I thought it was mediocre. But if you are in the same boat, or simply didn't see the original movie at all, no problem - this sequel, while having the same basic idea as the original, takes place with entirely new characters.There are a number of problems with this sequel I could go on for some time describing, from the cheap made for TV-like feel to the fact that the hero's special talent is not really explained. But I think the biggest problem with this movie is that for the most part it feels "soft". For the majority of the running time, you never feel the hero is in a situation that is over his head. He takes most of his new predicaments surprisingly casually. Since he doesn't seem to be all that bothered, it's hard to care about him or his loved ones. Or for the movie as a whole, for that matter.
James Duthie Before i watched this movie,i never knew it even existed,now i know why. Comparing this movie to the first one is like comparing an expensive sports car to an egg(a rotten one at that).The acting is quite poor and the film feels totally rushed,but my main problem with this movie is that it seems pointless(*spoiler alert*),when the guy 'jumps'into the alternative reality the first time everything is actually fine,apart from the fact he quits his job,so actually he could of stuck with it and helped his girlfriend to pursue her dream of being a photographer and we wouldn't have to endure the rest of this poor excuse of a sequel.
TxMike Funny how movie prices have gone down. I recently bought the DVD for $5 which has both movies on a single disk, 'Effect' and 'Effect 2'. I had seen the first one but not the second. The only similarity is the ability of the protagonist to reverse time and 'correct' an unfavorable issue, which then causes a number of different outcomes, and some of them not very desirable at all.I recently have become a fan of Erica Durance in her role as Lois Lane in the 'Smallville' TV series. This movie, 'Effect 2', was my first chance to see her in a different role, and she is good.Eric Lively is Nick Larson and his 24-year-old girlfriend is Erica Durance as Julie Miller. Nick and Julie are in love but things happen to threaten all that. Nick by accident, while looking at a photo, finds out he can reverse time and change things.Not a great movie, but a nice story which can have some lessons for the discerning viewer. Also fairly entertaining. Better than its IMDb rating would indicate.SPOILERS FOLLOW: Nick, Julie, and friends are having a nice weekend at a mountain lake when Nick gets a call that he has to go back to the office. Relucantly he goes, but on the way through the mountains, with a front wheel blowout, they wreck with a large truck, Julie dies. It is about a year later when Nick manages to turn back time, to right before they left the lake that day. This time, knowing about the truck, he manages to avoid it and Julie lives. But back at work other things arise, Nick does something to get himself a promotion that had gone to someone else, but this created other problems. Nick became a different person, he had apparently rejected Julie. In the very last time he goes back in time to the lake he tells Julie to go to NY to pursue her art, she tells him she is pregnant. Distraught Julie gets in the car, Nick follows her, manages to save her, but he went off the cliff in the second car and dies. He sacrificed himself for her, in a 'Casablanca' moment. The movie ends with Julie in her NY apartment with her young son.
callanvass The Butterfly Effect 2 had a lot of decent things going for it. For starters I thought the love between Nick|Eric Lively| and Erica Durance|Julie| was very strong, and quite believable, maybe not as strong as Amy Smart and Ashton Kutcher in the 1st, but still very strong indeed. I really thought the opening was well done. It starts off showing us the love between Julie and Nick, a very heartfelt and emotional segment, and then the tragic accident. For a DTV sequel I thought it was extremely well made, with above average acting for the production it had. You're able to care for Julie and Nick. Nick is a little cocky, but he has a good heart, and the fact that he clearly loves Julie, you're able to root for him. I thought it had a fitting ending too. The only problem I really had with this was, it lagged a bit in the middle sometimes.Performances. Eric Lively does very well as Nick. As I said he's arrogant, but in a likable way, and I truly believed in his love for Julie. Erica Durance is very pretty, and makes for a likable heroine. Her chemistry with Lively was great, and she made for a likable character.Bottom line. I enjoyed this much more then I should have probably. I expected nothing, and got a lot more then I bargained for. It's nothing outstanding, or anything really noteworthy, but for what it was I enjoyed it heavily. As long as you don't expect the quality of the 1st, you should enjoy it.6 1/2 /10