The Other Sister
The Other Sister
PG-13 | 26 February 1999 (USA)
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A mentally challenged girl proves herself to be every bit as capable as her "perfect" sister when she moves into an apartment and begins going to college.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Executscan Expected more
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
msvider First, I have to say to "Author: colleen from Boston, MA 12 March 2002" You are wrong about a line in the movie. The correct line is....Carla asked Daniel, "I wonder who thought up sex? And Daniel relied, "I think it was Madonna." That is the quote.I just watched this movie and it made me weep. Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi did excellent jobs playing their characters. They made you fall in love with them as they were falling in love with each other. You also became involved with their struggles in life. The movie could have been deeper, but I believe the writers and director did a good job in keeping the story light.Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi are very versatile and capable actors. I believe both gave excellent performances.
chelenablount-1 This movie was excellent. The family was well portrayed; from the beginning with the father not wanting to admit his daughter had a disability, to the mother dealing with the guilt of putting her daughter away by trying to make up for it almost a decade later.Excellent cast (Lewis, Ribisi, Keaton, Skerritt, etc.) and I loved how the disabled characters were believable. Sometimes movies depicting the disabled are no more than an insult. Lewis and Ribisi were incredibly believable in their roles, actually I had never seen Ribisi in a role previous to this one and - I have to be honest - I really did not think he was 'acting'. I thought the casting director had found someone disabled to fill the role. Once I found out the truth, I thought Ribisi should have been nominated for an Oscar! For the person who complained about the other story lines going on in the movie; a movie has to be multi-faceted, otherwise it can become boring. And I don't think the other story lines were too indulgent, they added flavor.And a mother that has a child whom she believes she has failed in the past yes, she will be a basket case and indecisive with every step she takes. That's what mothers's the norm.Another great movie that was obviously overlooked by Hollywood. (So what else is new?)
hickoryou812 AS a brother of an mentally challenged sister, this movie captures my heart. The innocence and honesty the movie presents through out the film is outstanding. I have been to many functions involving mentally challenged kids and adults from Christmas parties to the Special Olympics. As a volunteer at these events I can speak from experience, that the true feelings were caught in this movie. If you ever lose the Christmas spirit, go to a Christmas event for the mentally challenged. You'll find it there and what the true meaning of the holiday spirit really is. The anticipation of Santa popping through the curtains, just to see his face. The gifts are secondary. The Special Olympics are a true test of the will to compete..NOT WIN. Everybody is a winner at these Olympics. It is the most evened playing field in all of sports. In ability and in the true manner and meaning of what sportsmanship really is. The Other sister captures the very true to the core daily lives of mentally challenged individuals. From the emotional outbreaks to the highest of enjoyment of a special moment, to the acceptance by others, to the point of "yes i can if you give me a chance Mother". My sister is living on her own with a roommate and works at Opportunity Enterprises for a living. Leading not only a very normal life, but a far productive environment that wasn't available many years ago. They see things in an honest way. The very things we complain about daily are the same things they wish to be given a chance to have. The portrayal of both Daniel and Carla is just tremendous acting. You just don't throw that together and say cut and print and release this movie. Dustin Hoffman studied for over a year for rain man with savant families. Producers were'nt sure that movie would ever be made because of the tender care Dustin Hoffman had to portray. The Other Sister is a tremendous movie about all the true features that mentally challenged people face and strive for in every day life. We should watch and learn from them. They see life for what it is, things we have forgotten in our material world. Kudos Gary Marshal for this wonderful film. I remember those times, and look forward to the continuing journey.
arieliondotcom As a person with disabilities and a disability rights advocate, I can only ask where were the technical advisors? That's my question. It seems that Garry Marshall used this as a vehicle to make all sorts of sermonette statements about the disabled/challenged/insert politically correct term here. And "Gee, wouldn't it be funny if..." so he could use supposedly funny lines like "Your daughter is barking." And "I can drive" (on a bike)...Yuck. Yuck. That low level of effort for humor is the same low level of understanding the writers made to write the script and the actors made to study the disabilities they (very poorly) mimic.The road to hell, they say, is paved with good intentions. And this movie deserves a circle in hell of its own for a very poorly conceived script, very, very bad acting (to the point of the two leads being downright insulting), and just being a very bad idea all the way around. Frankly, this film does more harm than any good it may have intended. Avoid it.
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