Shadow of Fear
Shadow of Fear
| 27 May 2012 (USA)
Shadow of Fear Trailers

When a new boy is employed to work in a coffee shop, he turns out to be a schizophrenic who refuses to take his medication, and makes the life of the popular young waitress who works there a misery.

Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
msblackeyes68 This is definitely a movie you want to skip. The storyline in itself isn't a bad idea. However the execution of it was terrible. You have a woman who is weak and not the most likable character. A guy fixated on her. A police force who first arrest her for assault as she was defending herself and 1 second they are making it seem like she's making it up but then, before u could blink, female cop comes in saying charges have been dropped and now he was being held. The male cop in the room who was still writing her statement acting like she's the criminal turns around and starts sympathizing with her. I mean there wasn't even a break in his writing. A complete 180 that left u with your mouth open. It got worse from there. Everyone around her are going out of their way to protect her. Yet she does nothing to help herself. And even goes as far as to get insulted when an alarm system is bought for her. Which they never set up. Jump ahead to the "climax"...... There wasn't one. Oh they caught the guy and so forth. But the way they did was so boring and such a let down that I started rewriting the final 15 min in my head so I didn't feel so cheated. These kind of stories you need to have the audience love the victim and hate the unsub. In this movie you felt nothing for neither and couldn't care one way or the other what happened. If your looking for something to do I highly recommend picking the fuzz out of your belly button rather then watch this movie.
phd_travel The title doesn't indicate that this is an above average lifetime movie with good acting and a plausible story. For this kind of movie it isn't too overboard. It avoids melodrama or shock tactics and remains plausible and realistic. Of course it is a movie so there are some elements of the plot that feel like a composite to achieve a dramatic story. The plot is a waitress/writer becomes the stalking target of an obsessed mentally ill man who is off his meds. The difficulties in dealing with a mentally ill person and the limited recourse for stalking victims is presented in a no nonsense fashion. The behavior shown is an accurate if extreme portrayal of the mental illness schizophrenia even tough the violence only occurs in extreme cases in real life. I have seen someone like that with the obsessive calling and rubbish rantings and papers. Will Estes does a good job of portraying the mentally ill person without overacting or melodrama.Amanda Righetti gives a believable performance through the various stages and ups and downs of coping with the situation and the effect of the stalking on her.Well done. Worth a watch.
Theo Robertson I notice this is is called SHADOW OF FEAR but when it was broadcast in Britain it was called DANGEROUS ATTRACTION a title that indicates i's going to be a clone of a very famous film from the 1980s so SHADOW OF FEAR is probably a more appropriate title . What is also interesting is that the site doesn't indicate it's a TVM . This certainly has all the feel of a chick flick TVM of having a woman stalked by a male hence the woman's trauma is the centre of the film's focus . It's unfortunate that that her stalker is a young man suffering from schziophrenia which means anyone watching this movie who has no knowledge of real life mental illness might jump to the wrong conclusion all schizophrenics are violent people . In reality a person suffering from this psychotic illness is 40 times more likely to kill themselves than another human being . In thisrespect SHADOW OF FEAR is offensive in its portrayal of mental illness whilst at the same time being inoffensive in every other aspect which again leads me to believe it's a TVM , one that's not worth watchingfor the most part
edwagreen A stinging indictment of our justice system is shown in this excellent film. A woman, victimized by a stalker, can't seem to get help from authorities, and for a while, she is even under suspicion herself.Will Estes, the young Regan rookie officer in the fabulous television show "Blue Bloods," gives an outstanding supporting performance as the schizophrenic young man, who becomes a monster when he fails to take his medication.This is not your ordinary run of the mill story. The Estes character, Morgan Pierce, has plenty of political backing. It is determined that he is using his mother's name and that his father is the Lt. Governor. Naturally, the latter has used his influence to get his son out of various jams.This stalking affects the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of life for the victim. Her life is one-living hell, and the society that promulgates laws doesn't really help either.The satisfying ending tells us that something has to be done for the victims of such heinous actions.