NR | 11 September 2015 (USA)
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A socially awkward teenage math prodigy finds new confidence and new friendships when he lands a spot on the British squad at the International Mathematics Olympiad.

ada the leading man is my tpye
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
SacHin Aggarwal I randomly selected this film to watch and as i started to watch it, i gone into flow. Impressed with the actors work. Although somewhere the connection drops but it again makes strong connection. Beautiful way to show inner conflicts on the screen. Transformation is average. Overall this film is a good cinematic entertainment. As a film maker me also like to work on conflicts and temptations, so these kind of films are treat to me.
Kartik Pillai This movie is about a child who is autistic but has a unique interest in maths. The ending of this movie takes a drastic change that we would have never thought of. I can say that Asa Butterfield did a great job acting as an autistic child but I don't think I can say the same for Rafe Spalls who is his teacher. The story also needed a bit more polishing I think. In all the movie is good and is definitely watchable.
garrettwhaynes The person that this movie was based on I am sure had a really hard time losing his dad and dealing with his autism, however in the movie the performance given by Asa Butterfield is as one dimensional as you can get. The majority of his scenes were him saying nothing at all, just sitting there with a dumb look on his face. FYI, please don't start criticizing me for this comment, I completely understand that he is portraying someone with autism and that they have a difficult time relating socially with people, what I am saying is that his portrayal just doesn't make for an interesting character in a film. His character was really boring. I am sure it is being true to life, but even at math he wasn't the best, he was just pretty good, at least good enough to get into a math Olympiad but barely! I am not sure what is supposed to be fascinating or interesting about this character? Even with his autism the portrayal of him in the movie was of a shy socially awkward teenager who says mean things to his mom and isn't as "clever" as other boys. This could have been any number of normal awkward teenage boys, even though this one happened to have autism, it didn't add anything unique to his character. They tried to show some scenes of him walking around and seeing all of the lights in the city in double, I am assuming they were trying to show his light sensitivity or his synesthesia but it wasn't portrayed very vividly or in any way where a "normal" person could go, "oh is that what that is like? wow!". It was just him seeing some "blurry" lights. The other character, Jake, was actually way more interesting and deep than Asa's character. He had real issues and was actually interesting. He said things, he struggled, he fought with his peers, he fixated on that Monty Python film clip, he scratched himself. The scene of him in the bathroom was great. Real emotion, depth, and struggle. However in that scene, Asa didn't even say anything!! He just stood there, again, with a dumb look on his face. I won't continue on and on, but I will just say the majority of the rest of the film was also cliché and slow. Girl meets awkward boy and falls for him anyway. Chinese girl who feels pushed to "succeed" for her family. Cliché idealized back flashes to main character and his dad. Etc. Etc. Overall really disappointed in this film.
Reno Rangan I was fascinated by its storyline, reviews and ratings, but it did not deliver what I was expected. In fact, it fell simple and dull because of the end. Some people will accept it, but not me. For me it was neither good nor bad. Sometimes I don't care even it was clichéd conclusion, if it's the best thing for the story to have. So this film tried to avoid it and there I lost my interest in this.Like I said the initial parts were very good. Had a very good character called Nathan, a teenage mathematics prodigy. The movie narrates his journey to prepare for participating in one of the most prestigious international competition to represent his country. He gets trained by a finest teacher in the country and remaining tells whether he makes it or not.Actually the film was partially based on one of the Britain's participants from the 2006's IMO, short for International Mathematical Olympiad. Directed by a documentary filmmaker who was inspired by one of his films based on the same theme involving the original main character from this movie.It's not a biography or a completely based on the real, it just inspired and changed entirely for the cinematic presentation. I thought, it was about a genius boy and the competition, but the romance track overhauled and took me as a surprise. Not bad at all, I liked the way the girl and the boy getting to know each other, like similar to the cultural exchange program. Excluding the ending part, it was a good film. That's what I felt, maybe it will be an awesome film for you. The only way to find out is to check it out by yourself.6/10