The Vanguard
The Vanguard
| 07 February 2008 (USA)
The Vanguard Trailers

The year is 2015 and overpopulation and famine have plunged our planet into chaos and one desperate survivor finds himself being hunted and pursued by hordes of rage-crazed zombies.

Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Abegail Noëlle While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
captaincameron Perhaps I am being too harsh. Maybe I should give it a 2. Another reviewer said that it was tough getting through the first 30 minutes. Even the first 15 was a challenge. But I persevered. While I am often a fan of even bad films, this was an hour and a half of my life I will never get back. Save yourself. Do not watch this. Ever. Perhaps I am being too harsh. Maybe I should give it a 2. Another reviewer said that it was tough getting through the first 30 minutes. Even the first 15 was a challenge. But I persevered. While I am often a fan of even bad films, this was an hour and a half of my life I will never get back. Save yourself. Do not watch this. Ever. Perhaps I am being too harsh. Maybe I should give it a 2. Another reviewer said that it was tough getting through the first 30 minutes. Even the first 15 was a challenge. But I persevered. While I am often a fan of even bad films, this was an hour and a half of my life I will never get back. Save yourself. Do not watch this. Ever.
kazamaru This Movie Was Bad Hilariously Bad' It Made You Think Something Good Was Going To Happen Only To Leave You Confused And Bewildered In The End. The Main Character Just Spends The Hold Time Running Through The Woods And Killing Off Zombie Ape Like People With Axes' He's Supposedly Deaf But Somewhere Along The Way He All a Of Sudden Starts To Talk And Act as If He Can Hear. This Is Where Everything Gets Ridiculously Bad' All The Time You're Waiting For This Thing To Come To The Plot' Cause All Movies Have Plots Right? Right?? Not This One All You Get Is a Bunch Of Running Shooting Narrative Talking And An Ending So Stupid And Ridiculous It Just Leaves You Staring Blankly At The Screen. My Suggestion Is Do Not Watch This Unless You Have 98.Minutes To Kill' If Not Please Pass This Up And Go Watch 28 Days Later Or Some Of The Much Better Made Apocalypse Zombie Films. It's Obvious Whoever Made This Was Just Trying To Kill Some Time As Well.
in1984 It's easy to write off films when the genre becomes too popular and overused. Fortunately, zombie films seem to spring forth lots of great ideas from writers and directors, and has again in Vanguard.In a way, it's derivative of Resident Evil, but it adds more complexity into the zombies, so both zombie fans and those feeling zombie boredom creeping up will be happy.The only thing wrong with this film is that it needed more money so that the opening could have been done better, better settings, some better actors could have been used in important or additional roles, and the writer could have hired someone to direct or at least another set of eyes to fix a few gaps in the flow of the film and story integration.Even compared with big-budget sci-fi horror, this is an impressive film. Both the acting and visual FX are much better than typical horror. It doesn't depend on excessive darkness and fade outs to hide the inability of the film crew to make it believable.
tcoll32 Well if there is one genre done to death (no pun intended) it is the zombie movie. We have the holy war still waging between fast and slow zombies. We have zombies that talk, act like normal people, shuffle, learn how to do various things (whatever the plot needs), evolve, and some attempts to make them cute. Besides the vampire there is no other great cliché movie. Having said this, every once in a while you see a film take the genre in a way you didn't imagine. The Vanguard is one of those very rare and dying breed. This film takes place in the UK and is after the world has ended. Civilization is represented by the evil Corporation (we never learn it's name) and the barbarians are represented by the Biosyns. They like the zombies in 28 Days Later are fueled by rage but unlike 28 Days they are evolving. The main character is Max and his story takes you on a very strange but also incredibly enjoyable ride with an ending that you probably won't see coming but will be impressed with none the less. A worthy addition to my horror collection and well worth you time to check it out.