| 23 June 2010 (USA)
Bloomington Trailers

A former child actress attends college in search of independence and ends up becoming romantically involved with a female professor. Their relationship thrives until an opportunity to return to acting forces her to make life-altering decisions.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
SmallFox 1 It's not like other bad lesbian movies where one of the girls is tormented by her sexually or is surrounded by horrible people. Oh no, this movie is even worse! The main character is a bland college girl who falls in love with her sexually active female professor. And that sound SO much better than it actually is. I'd prefer this in a porno than in a freaking' drama! The "erotic" moments don't mean anything if its attached to boring characters who make stupid decisions. By that I mean, the main character goes back to her life as a boring actress on a TV show. And everything that happened means absolutely nothing by the end.
louisstucki This is an excellent movie. In my opinion the ending isn't so negative because Jackie mentions to Catherine that she has her number so they will probably meet or talk again to each other in the future. In most lesbian movies the couple separate without any hope of seeing each other in the future. I think that the good bye scene was the best of the movie because it was so artfully done. Jackie looks down and asks Catherine what she will do in the future. When Catherine answers Jackie looks up and has tears in her eyes which I found very moving. Jackie was also a very likable character because she was down to earth and not at all arrogant despite her star fame. Of course Catherine is also a nice person but she seemed to be more worried about people finding out she's a lesbian. However, she was the one who started the affair by kissing Jackie on the party just a few seconds after they met for the first time. In my opinion, this is one of the best lesbian movies. I give it 9 of 10 points because the ending could have been a bit more positive if they would have promised to meet again in the future for sure.
KejEnKej I must admit that I have probably never seen worse film before. The whole plot and scenes seem to be so disconnected, it is impossible to get the clue how one thing cause another. The relationship between main characters is out of nowhere. It seems that creators wanted to put as much as possible into the movie and we get sloppy story like overcooked pasta. Nothing fits, emotions are non-existent and the kid looks like female Haley Joel Osment. I don't understand why an adult, educated woman instead of "have a conversation" has decided to make the girl jealous. There are many things that don't fit here and many scenes are just few seconds long without going deeper into emotions and the whole relation that should be built on.
Jess Oc This movie was very well acted it could of been great if not for the plot and poor ending. There were so many opportunities and different story lines luckily the actresses in the film were not only good looking but good actors. I enjoyed the film a lot but felt too many unanswered questions at it's conclusion. Catherines character was acted so brilliantly and the young Jackie was quite good also. It's been a while since a well acted lesbian interest piece has been released. There could be a comparison made to loving Annabelle but only on the surface both stories are unique in there own way. I hope these actresses come to light again in more films just like this one.