One of my all time favorites.
I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Tony Rome
This film is not great, and it does have flaws, but it is not at all that bad. It centers on an ex race car driver, who through certain society changes and circumstances can no longer operate an automobile. Cars and plane have been outlawed. Majors and outsider Makepeace disobey the rules and take a racing porche on a journey cross country. One of the flaws is the government guy talking to the character of Morley, he calls him Morgan in one scene. The film director should have yelled cut and did another take, but I guess this was overlooked. Still this movie is worth two and a half stars, at least for Burgesses Meredith's performance as the old army pilot.
Michael Regan
A global pandemic has circulated the planet, killing millions of people. A special government agency has decided that the rapid spread of the disease is thank to the ever-growing mass transit of the world. The solution--eliminate any form of mass transit and deem it to be illegal. Simple? Not if you are a race car driver.Lee Majors is a race car driver in a future where mass transit no longer exists and must now travel around and preach the 'evils' of the automobile. Once he comes across a young anarchist played by Chris Makepeace he begins to realize that things don't have to be this way and literally digs out his Porsche to drive it across the country as a symbol of the ridiculous nature of the existing law.Not too implausible considering all the pandemic threats of today and the ever increasing speed of today's mass transit. Not a high-budget big special effect movie, but highly recommended.
Where's Michael Caine when you need him? I've seen most of the many seasons of MST3K, but this rare pre-1st season flick (episdoe K-20) is easily one of the worst movies ever made. Three "stars", Lee Majors, Chris Makepeace and Burgess Meredith, struggle through the worst batch of cinematography ever, delivering lines which must have been written by a secret Dick Cheney-style workgroup composed of Exxon and GM lawyers trying to cut funding for mass transit and energy efficiency research. Looks like it was filmed in almost total darkness, possibly on Super 8. Makes Logan's Run look like the cinematic Sistine Chapel crossed with Shakespeare. I can't imagine watching it without the commentary of Crow and Servo since it's unwatchable even with it. Clearly what's needed in Hollywood is some sort of 401K which prevents the need for actors to take on bad movies like this in order to pay for their health care. With its "rights to pollute and drive" theme, by the end, I'm half expecting to see a Charlton Heston cameo where he delivers his "cold dead hands" speech. Lee, I could have forgiven you for this in 1989, but 1981?
This is like four nine-year-olds sitting around discussing who'd win if Jesus and Superman did battle. Or a horrible novel I read years ago that went to great pains to engineer a climactic battle between a polar bear and a great white shark, in front of paying spectators.Here, it's a battle (and no, this isn't a spoiler, the "battle" goes on for seven or eight hours) between a Porsche Group One racer and a Sabre jet (misidentified throughout the MST version as a Phantom). To set this up, you have to get into a whole Battlefield Earth thing of ancient jets and racecars running on magic fuel that can sit around for decades in abandoned fuel storage tanks that the pilot and driver can find across the entire US but which somehow escaped detection throughout all the bad years of chaos when They turned the oil off.Then you get into the Final Sacrifice zone, where the non-hardware stuff in the movie just kind of happens because it's got to or the movie couldn't lurch forward, eh? Roads are clear and well-maintained after years of disuse, soldiers move swiftly around the country in (presumably) animal-powered transport, the entire US is polkadotted with remote TV cameras at apparently hundred-foot intervals, even though there's no vehicles to drive out and service them AND NOTHING FOR THEM TO MONITOR ANYWAY YOU DIPSH... OK, I'm better now. And an ancient golden city doesn't rise up out of an Alberta wheatfield, so I guess it isn't as bad as it COULD be.****SPOILER****Of course, the Sabre Jet and the Porsche never actually do anything more than roll/drive towards each other, once. Nor does Chris Makepeace put on a Merry Widow and purple eyeshadow and do the Time Warp with Lee Majors, either. So I'm not clear on what Last Chase was supposed to accomplish. Nothing much happens, nothing makes a lot of sense, subplots sprout, wither and die without ever seeing the light of day...I've got it! This was intended as a screen-saver for your TV! Canadians, being a judicious and parsimonious race, will suffer not the slightest risk of losing a perfectly good television to burning-in, so create movies like this to keep the screen phosphors occupied and happy! It was never INTENDED to be a "movie," for godsake!Whew. I feel much better now, having figured this all out.