PG-13 | 18 January 2006 (USA)
Bandidas Trailers

Set in the late 19th century. When a ruthless robber baron takes away everything they cherish, a rough-and-tumble, idealistic peasant and a sophisticated heiress embark on a quest for justice, vengeance…and a few good heists.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Samiam3 Bandiadas is Strictly b-movie material, but that doesn't mean it has no spirit. If nothing else, one is liable to get a kick out of Hollywood's two hottest Spanish actresses sharing screen time, wielding knives and pistolas, and playing off each other with one liners like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The end result is a dumb, but cute comedic westernBandidas makes up for its lack of brains and creativity, with satire. It keeps the movie from being dull or obnoxious (generally) but I think it is safe to say that the movie could've been funnier. Robert Rodriguez would be very much at home behind the camera on this one. Under such circumstances, Badidas would not just be spiced up but may have even been clever. On another matter, It is a wonder how something that features names like Hayek, Cruz, writer Luc Besson, and even Sam Shepard (renowned American play write and co-star of The Right Stuff), did not get major commercial release. At any rate, Bandidas remains silly but is amusing enough to make it worth a peek (assuming it catches your attention)
flor_matthewknight Wow! This movie is 100% perfectly great! I really love the actions, and everything... I love Steve Zahn, hehehe, he's funny in this movie... 3 girls?! But I want Sara Sandoval (Salma Hayek) and Quentin (Steve Zahn)are meant to each other... Coz for me, they're perfect.! The funny scene there is when Sara and Maria tied Quentin in the bed and practiced kissing him.. hehehe!!! But, afterall, he liked it... This character is very funny... I don't know how to explain..!!! hahaah!!! And, Sara and Maria, are alwayz fighting?! They're like little sisters fighting for a baby doll. But, hey,! They're hot!?! Quentin should pick Sara as his one."How's my kiss?" "P-p-perfect!!!" Oh, I just love this movie... Wish I could watch it every time... I'm still looking for a DVD.==+ Maria Florence +==
Em D This is a good movie if you are looking for something that is so bad it's funny. I don't remember ever hearing about it coming out, I'm wondering if it just went straight to DVD. I managed to sit through the whole thing, although three of the four other people I was watching it with left before it was over. It has decent entertainment value, but is without merit as any kind of quality film. The "bandidas" are clothed in the most ridiculously provocative way throughout the movie and are constantly getting wet or fighting each other. Most of the script is poorly written which results in awkward line delivery from the largely mediocre cast. Penelope and Salma do as well as they could in this movie, but I'm not sure what possessed them to choose this script. The funniest part is the range of accents you get from the supposed "Mexicans". The plot had multiple problems and every once in awhile I just wasn't sure what was going on. I would consider it to be a "mock western", but it almost seems that it is trying to be an actual western, and, if that is the case, it has completely missed the mark. They have a strange mix of serious subject matter covering the exploitation of the Mexicans by the Americans combined with unrealistic and impossible events carried out by these two prima donna characters. While this movie was good for some laughs (all at its expense) I don't think it was worth it.
Argemaluco I found Bandidas as a mediocre and predictable film but,inside its limitations,it entertained me.This is a generic action movie shaken with comedy and romance and there's nothing special about it.This is a film with very limited ambitions but,at least,it's entertaining.Penélope Cruz is a good actress,and she brought an entertaining performance on this movie.The great Steve Zahn brings the best performance from this movie while Sam Shepard shows credibility on his role.I really do not have much to say about this movie.If you wanna see a light entertainment without too many ambitions,watch this movie.Rating: 6