Dragon Wasps
Dragon Wasps
| 17 September 2012 (USA)
Dragon Wasps Trailers

A scientist enlists the help of the US army to investigate the mysterious disappearance of her father, deep in the Belizean jungle. Caught in the crossfire between a brutal guerrilla army controlled by a mystical warlord, they are also confronted by an even bigger terror giant mutated wasps that are, for some reason, thirsty for blood.

Wordiezett So much average
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
BA_Harrison After learning of her father's disappearance in a South American jungle, tasty blonde entomologist Gina Humphries (Dominika Juillet) talks fellow bug-hunter Rhonda Guiterrez (Nikolette Noel) into helping her find him. When they are stopped by American soldiers patrolling the area, the girls convince the leader, John Hammond (Corin Nemec), to enlist his toughest men (and woman) to aid them in their search. Hammond fully expects trouble from the voodoo drug runners who operate in the jungle, but he isn't prepared for an attack by oversized, genetically mutated wasps.When the script sucks, the budget is low, the cast are far from great, and the CGI is basic, the least that can be done is to inject some fun into proceedings. Joe Knee, director of Dragon Wasps, doesn't seem to understand this, his movie failing to fully embrace the absurdity of poorly rendered, six-foot-long, fire-breathing wasps attacking a group of highly trained soldiers (and two sexy scientists) in a jungle. Instead, he has his cast play it completely straight throughout, as if he were making a film to rival Arnie classic Predator. Nemec is no Schwarzenegger, Knee is no John McTiernan, and Dragon Wasps is instantly forgettable nonsense. A couple of gore effects (CGI, of course) just about prevent this turkey from getting the lowest possible score.
bobjo101011 When i watched this, i was amazed at how "so much was done with obviously so little money". My companion and i thought that it would be a good movie with awesome affects but not surprisingly... It was not! We first saw this movie name and looked it up and found out it was directed by Joe Knee, Who is now known to us as "Joe's Knee." Once you see this movie, you will understand why. This movie did not take an arrow to just Joe's knee, it took multiple arrows to the face and even more to the brain. If you are in a zombie apocalypse and out of AMMO, just show the Zombies this movie, THEY WILL DIE WHERE THEY STAND! FTC
Paul Magne Haakonsen Initially you already know what this movie will be like before you watch it, as it has low-budget monster movie written all over it. And on that aspect "Dragon Wasps" truly delivers. On all other aspects, not so much.The story in "Dragon Wasps" is fairly generic and straight forward for a movie of this caliber. A mysterious genetic research company has been experimenting with mutations and of course something has gone horribly wrong. A scientist has gone missing in the jungle, and his daughter and her best friend venture there to find him. They encounter some American soldiers who drop all they are doing to help the two civilians go looking for a single man in the vast jungle. Cannibal locals and giant, mutated wasps all prove to be in the way for their search and rescue mission.The effects in the movie were, well, laughable. Badly animated CGI wasps that looked anything but real. And to make matters even more 'interesting' then these wasps were able to breathe fire. Yeah, breathe fire, why not? But of course, the creature effects, as you might have guessed, is almost bound by law to be bad in these kind of movies. But moving on, there was a gun fight between the soldiers and the cannibals, where the American soldiers were pinned down at their truck. A lot of shots were fired and hit the truck, resulting in CGI animated sparks here and there, but get this, there were no bullet holes. I wonder what kind of dissolving bullets they were using.Let's move on to the acting. Most of the acting was half-hearted or even uninspiring, as if some of the people in the movie were just there because there was nothing else available. Much can be said for Corin Nemec, who both starred and co-produced this movie, but he actually did a fairly good acting job in this movie compared to some of the countless other movies he had been in.There isn't much to keep this movie afloat, and as such it becomes a rather boring and dull movie experience. There was a single moment where the movie shined, where one of the soldiers was making fun at Corin Nemec by mentioning some of the questionable movies he has been in. That was actually a great and funny moment. Always good with some self-irony!
drmidnite12 The pain begins immediately. The two lead actresses, they're equally bad, deliver wooden, flat lines that Ben Stein would raise an eyebrow to. Neither are really beauty queens, so they're pretty screwed either way they go. Corin Nemec phoned this one in, as well. That, coming from the star of "Mansquito", was really not a surprise either.The whole plot? Well, it was just badly written, let's say. Military men behave a certain way, their actions in the movie, wasn't it. The CGI wasps were ridiculous and the mere fact that they could breathe fire was almost more than I could stand. The only good thing was that Cocaine, go figure, could dissuade them from attacking you. Right. Someone did some cocaine when they wrote this garbage.The whole voodoo/drug runner subplot was laughable. Yeah...you read it right. Let that sink in...voodoo/drug runner. Starting to get the idea, aren't ya? The only reason this got a '1' was because I could not give it a zero. That's my review. Take it or leave it.