Ice Spiders
Ice Spiders
| 09 June 2007 (USA)
Ice Spiders Trailers

When a young ski team training for the Olympics arrives at the remote and isolated Lost Mountain Ski Resort to focus on training, they're thrilled to find a retired Olympic skier is there to help them train. But their plans are halted when a scientist working at a nearby government lab arrives with the horrifying news that a top secret Government project has produced giant spiders and they have escaped, killing and eating everything in sight.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
damnedifyoudont But I wasn't disappointed because it was a bad movie, which it was. I was expecting a lot worse, and I didn't get it. I enjoy watching movies that are so pathetic that you can only laugh at them. I watched this movie because the girl from Troll 2 is in it, although she has like one line (and no dance moves - shame).The story is recycled garbage (secret scientific experiments, regular creature gets mutated, the head scientist wants them 'captured' but they really just need to die, etc). The acting is atrocious, however the look of fright on most of the characters was believable. Sadly, the spiders did look pretty 'gnarly' for poorly done CGI, and for that level of adequacy alone I am disappointed. There are scares and tension, which is well done considering the entire movie took place during the day. Ever notice that things are scarier at night? The props were pretty good, like the webs and the dead carcasses and the spider in the box.In conclusion: it didn't completely fail, so I'm disappointed. I give it 7 stars, and that in my books is an insult. If you want to please me and get my coveted one-star rating, aim a lot lower next time.
superbunnys325 This was a terrible movie to talk about. When I saw this movie on TV I couldn't believe it was real. The lead actor talks in such a weird way it seems like one of those fake movies talk show hosts make up. The ending just makes the movie so bad, the government covers it up, wow. It was also dumb because the plot was a secret government agency had a secret spider mutation project which basically went horribly wrong, the spiders end up eating people, oh yeah the spiders had super powers. I know view this movie as more of a comedy since it was so bad. I recommend if you see this movie on the TV turn it off.Almost forgot at the end the spiders get like hungry for toxic sludge and are blown up by missiles. This movie is ridiculous, terrible, and should never be viewed.
jgweiner I watched this movie late one night and was blown away. The cinematography really captured the helplessness and passion of the situation and I thought the musical score really underlined the intensity.The characters are portrayed brilliantly by this assortment of previously unknown but soon-to-be world recognized actors and actresses, and I hope to see many more films directed by this wonderful producer.I don't want to spoil any of the twisted and complicated plot, but rest assured that you will reach new realms of spiritual enlightenment on completion of this epic tale.Best of luck to the cast and crew in all their future endeavors!
ZRambeau Sometimes movies are made to cater to a certain audience. This movie aimed to please burnt out ski bums. The CG was atrocious, the acting was worse. That being said, there were parts of the movie that I had to rewind and watch again, not because it was good but because truly bad movies are funny in their own sad way. The best part of this film was the short but true commentary on pushy ski instructors, (Takes place in the first fifteen minutes or so) Don't watch this if you want gore. Don't watch this if you want suspense. And definitely don't watch this if you like movies like arachnophobia, you will be completely disgusted, and not in a good way. My girlfriend hates spiders, emphasis on hates. She bravely watched the opening five minutes of the film and found She wasn't once scared or creeped out. She finished the film and I quote, "What the hell was that?" A must see for any person who enjoys bad flicks.