Any Given Sunday
Any Given Sunday
R | 22 December 1999 (USA)
Any Given Sunday Trailers

A star quarterback gets knocked out of the game and an unknown third stringer is called in to replace him. The unknown gives a stunning performance and forces the ageing coach to reevaluate his game plans and life. A new co-owner/president adds to the pressure of winning. The new owner must prove herself in a male dominated world.

Steineded How sad is this?
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jimmypk-49196 By far my favorite sports movie if not my favorite movie. Al Pacino is great as usual. Jamie Fox Dennis Quaid and LL Cool J are perfect for their roles.
Python Hyena Any Given Sunday (1999): Dir: Oliver Stone / Cast: Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, Jamie Foxx, James Woods: Great look at professional football and the stresses behind it. Title suggests time that one cannot pin point into the future of a victory that will eventually happen. Al Pacino stars as the veteran coach for the Miami Sharks who feels his ability fading after they suffered their fourth consecutive loss. Cameron Diaz plays the daughter of the deceased owner who is under pressure due to the losses. Dennis Quaid plays a quarterback who is injured during opening game. Jamie Foxx plays the new star player whose fame goes to his head. Complete with Oliver Stone's trademark political views as applied to other films such as J.F.K and Nixon. Pacino is at his best as a coach down on his luck but not without resources. Whether the Miami Sharks succeed is not the point as to what he will do to counter a possible replacement. Diaz as the daughter of the former owner steals her scenes as she forces issues perhaps with certain regret in the end. Quaid as the injured quarterback struggles with his marriage but will attempt a comeback despite his age. Foxx realizes his celebrity ego and makes amends as well as opportunities. James Woods plays a corrupt physician whose tactics are risky to players. While repetitious, the action is rousing. Theme regards regaining the glory and keeping it alive. Score: 9 / 10
PhilipVier Any Given Sunday was a film I had wanted to watch for some time. I knew it had Al Pacino in it who supposedly gives a great speech, and there were other actors in it who are capable of great things. The fact that Oliver Stone directed it led me to believe it would be good film. Unfortunately, while watching this it soon became clear that this was an abysmal film with extremely poor directing.The film starts with a nauseatingly filmed American Football match in which a lot of things happen, but few are explained properly. Now I don't know anything about American Football, but in a good film you can usually follow what's going on. In Any Given Sunday you might as well ask a cat what's happening. Unfortunately, this goes on for the rest of the film. Important characters just come along without a proper introduction and we never learn anything substantial about them. Because of this I quickly lost interest for every character, and nothing they did or said mattered to me.A confusing, bland story is bad enough in itself, but this also means that great actors are wasted. The film stars Al Pacino Jamie Foxx, Dennis Quaid, James Woods and Cameron Diaz. In my opinion every one of these actors are capable of good performances. But throughout the film only Pacino, Foxx and Diaz are able to make something out of it. The rest of the actors add little to the quality of this picture. Dennis Quaid is boring and unconvincing as the only sane football player in the film. We hardly learn anything about him even though he's an important character. James Woods plays a doctor who acts like he's straight out of a parody. And the rest of the football team look and act like rappers and professional wrestlers.Now I don't think the actors are to blame because the directing is absolutely terrible. It's hard to believe this was made by a capable director, never mind an Academy Award winner like Oliver Stone. Most of the film looks more like a rap video or a very poor episode of CSI Miami than an actual film. In some scenes you suddenly get pointless shots of the city or clouds or even Ben-Hur. I also wondered about the casting. The film has its fair share of people with limited acting skills, some of them even play main characters like LL Cool J. I also read Oliver Stone wanted P. Diddy for the character that Jamie Foxx played. This really amazes me, I mean why would a great director like Oliver Stone want to work with talentless artists who can't act to save their lives? When the film was finished I could not believe Oliver Stone directed this. It was more like watching a cheap advert or a music video. The opening sequence of The Last Boy Scout was a better American football film than this. What on earth went wrong? Was Oliver Stone on drugs? Did he do this for a bet? I suppose some of the actors are decent, and the story starts to pick up near the end. But that's it, there's nothing else. I would have never expected something like this from Oliver Stone, and I hope I never have to see something like it again.
kevin ocasio Any Given Sunday delivers a raw, breath-taking, gritty side to the sport of football. Oliver stone scores a touchdown on his very unique vivid depiction of player/coach relations.The screenplay is strongly suited to the magical storytelling that Stone always creates in his films. The soundtrack fits perfectly throughout the film and the sound mixture from audiences to on-the-field dialogue.Speaking from a former football player from a high school level i can relate to the progression of righteous bonding that everyone develops.Oliver Stone including an all-star cast bring one of the most hard hitting, realistic football films to date. This movie brings the side of football that's concealed behind closed doors. Every moment drives you in complete awe. In sports films, nonetheless in films in general Any Given Sunday is as good as movies get.