Once I Was a Beehive
Once I Was a Beehive
PG | 14 August 2015 (USA)
Once I Was a Beehive Trailers

After losing her father to cancer, a teenage girl reluctantly joins her new step-cousin at a summer camp for Mormon girls.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Saad Hasan I didn't have much hopes from this movie but boy was I wrong. My wife and I had no other choice so we decided to watch it and she immediately pointed out that this seems like a kids/teenagers movie. Although the focus of the movie and young people mostly but it is NOT a movie for kids. It has a very clear and strong message. It is not your typical movie. If you are looking for a lively beginning, developing middle part and a thrilling climax - then this movie is not for you. This is a movie that is a message in its entirety: that you can find solace in the most unlikeliest of places. Don't judge a book by its cover. When you are down and out, people you least expect can be your strength. And above all the movie teaches us to love and accept. I'd give this movie 8 out of 10 stars. I am giving 10/10 to balance some narrow minded reviews who cannot appreciate life imitating art, they brains are only big enough for John Wicks and Fast and Furiouses.
kourtneykfitzgerald Since most Mormon films seem to cater toward the Mormon audience, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this film, while having Mormon characters, is not necessarily geared toward a Mormon audience. While it is probably best enjoyed by Mormon girls and women who have attended camp, it could easily be enjoyed by anyone. There are very few specifically "Mormon" references so it is relatable to a wide audience. That being said, it is a low-budget independent film, so don't expect to be wowed. However the acting quality is good, the soundtrack is good, and the plot, while fairly predictable, was not quite the touchy-feely conversion story that you'd expect from a religious film. It reminded me of the 2012 movie "Amazing Love". This film is a fairly accurate (though satirical) depiction of a Mormon girls camp. And yes, we really do sing "Noah's Arky" and "Mormon Boy"! It's tradition!
Eduardo Bueno I went to see this movie with my wife (who has been to a girl's camp of that kind, and my two "girls" now adults and no longer living with us who were participated in those camps and the program for Young Women in the LDS church. We all laughed and cried during the movie because it was fun, serious, and entertaining at the same time. It was not intended to make fun of the women's camp, no character was actually retarded as we see in LDS movies so often. I like this director because the characters can be funny without being stupid. That is hard to do and still have a movie to be funny.The story is very well drafted and the plot flows without losing track of the main character while building on the character of every one except the father, mother, and stepfather of the main character. I thought it was OK. They could have cast guys that could act a little better but their part was short, we just had to know that they existed anyway. Disney does that all the time.So, I say go watch and enjoy a nice movie with some good messages not only for young women but everyone in the family. This way the boys get to know what the girls do at these camps they never get to go to... LOL... I thought it was interesting and sometimes would ask "do you do that a these camps?" and they would nod saying yes.. which I thought was really funny.
Phoebe Hall I went with my 14 and 17 year old daughters, who, by the way, had just returned from camp. We all laughed and laughed. Not sure if guys will find the movie as funny because there are so many inside jokes related to the LDS girls' camp experience. The script includes inserting all the stereotypical personalities in a group of teen girls without being too cheesy. I felt like they captured the real dynamic of a disjointed youth group. The actors were all well chosen. Favorite line "And it's not true that there are no 'mean girls' in Young Women." What I liked the most about the movie was that the ending wasn't perfect. It didn't neatly try to solve the problem and wrap it up with a bow. I felt like the script handled the issues very realistically.