PG-13 | 10 January 2013 (USA)
Riddle Trailers

Holly & Nathan Teller live in a small town in Pennsylvania. Holly is on the cheerleading team and has a close relationship with her younger brother Nathan, who is subjected to bullying at school. Nathan is taken for a car ride one day by the bullies, whose intent about what they are going to do with Nathan is not clear. He gives them the slip, but disappears and is still missing after three years.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
katzcrazy1984 This film seems to have been given a pretty bad wrap. Even still I decided to give it a go. The story line is easy to follow and answers all the questions the movie gives you (as long as you are not expecting an insane twist.) Val, I believe, was really never given much to develop (character wise) in the film, which is disappointing. Actually, none of the characters really made you care. They really played up the American small town 'cultish' feel. Without going into any detail regarding the plot or giving any spoilers, the story progressed naturally and actually made me feel like I was watching a 'point and click adventure computer game' (which is fine for me as I enjoy them.) All in all, it was flat but I good brainless film to watch. It was enjoyable but nothing special and I am sure there is no reason to watch the movie a second time to see if anything was missed through the first viewing.
mwmccollum49 Riddle is a small scale film, that plays out like a film noir.It"s captivating mood is kept throughout the story. The camera work is excellent, and the actors are all in fine form. This film I have watched many times, mainly because of the mood it creates, a time and place you want to go back and visitwith multiple viewings, not many films can accomplish that.It just goes to show, you don"t need to write a blockbuster for an enjoyable movie experience.I have watched many films in my life time which spans sixty four years. One thing I have learned is to be patient with what the film makers are trying to convey, and judge it on that merit, by doing so, I have enjoyed a wide variety of cinema.By the way, Scott Glasgows music composition is very good. especially in the end credits.
keko922-2 What a waste I kept watching just in case it got better somewhere the acting was really poor I mean put it this way if someone says hey here watch this and you are bored you have nothing to lose but the time otherwise don't buy or don't rent this completely STINKS.This is the first time I have ever written about a movie good or bad, I felt like writing something because of the first reviewer said some good things about it. I kept waiting. I guess he doesn't get out much to say anything good about this movie. Again the Acting is so poor you can tell at the beginning of the movie alone I intend on writing about movies in the future because I watch my share of them.
chow913 Elisabeth Harnois stars as a typical 33 year old teenage girl in a small town.What? Elisabeth Harnois can still pass for 16 after all these years since we drooled over her in 'My Date With The President's Daughter' back in 1998? Yes! She can! And she still looks great! Harnois' mentally handicapped brother... I mean mentally challenged... I mean mentally disabled... I mean differently enabled mentally... I mean special needs... I mean whatever is PC at the moment, is taken for a joyride by two bullies. While stopping for beer at a gas station he disappears.3 years later (so is Elisabeth Harnois now supposed to be 36?) Harnois spots her brother at a farmers market and follows him to the ghostly town of Riddle which appears to be almost completely abandoned. This is creepy but it's never explained. Just like the rest of this movie.When she reports her brother's sighting to the local yokel sheriff Val Kilmer, the bar tender, tow truck driver and other locals they all hint at there being a conspiracy within Riddle to cover up her brother's kidnapping.This plot appears to be going somewhere but it isn't! In no time Harnois unites with other thirty something teenagers and we're left with the slasher formula of teenagers running through the woods from ax wielding maniacs and stepping in bear traps.Basically NOTHING is ever really explained as to why her brother was kidnapped or even by whom.There are also several other major logical flaws in this film. For example, when one character is found imprisoned in a barn he has long hair to suggest he hasn't been well treated. How then is he clean shaven? Uncut hair but clean shaven? The film makers could easily have fixed this by simply having the makeup artist add some stubble.In another scene Harnois just happened upon her brother's manila file showing they were both adopted. Why would his birth file have his adopted last name on it? The film makers could just have easily fixed this by having the adopted parents name on the file instead of the brother's. Sloppy work.'Riddle' isn't nails on a chalkboard but there is no reason to see it other than to marvel over how great Elisabeth Harnois still looks at age 33.