Eat the Rich
Eat the Rich
R | 22 April 1988 (USA)
Eat the Rich Trailers

Alex is a disgruntled waiter at a snobby exclusive restaurant who falls on hard times. Forced to deal with the contempt and disgust of the upper class, Alex & cohorts attempt to go on a rampage. Meanwhile, General Karprov and Spider plot to involve the inept anarchists into their plans to derail the prime-minister-to-be's campaign.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
lost-in-limbo "The Comic Strip Presents..." a lively, rowdy and bawdy cult black comedy gourmet with a novel one-joke premise like something John Watter's would churn out. Even that of Alex Cox's chaotic "Straight to Hell" shot to mind. This amusing oddball independent British feature kicks you in the guts with its heavy-handed approach from its acting to its dialogues and prominent surrealistic visual styling. No one is safe from the insults. It's sick and twisted with real ugly streak, but quite enjoyable as its anarchic messages are just so knee-jerk, the clever humour can be sneaky in its jabs and its episodically loose writing is just so random with its comic shocks. Interesting to see some familiar faces (Angie Bowie, Bill Wyman, Miranda Richardson and Paul McCartney) popping up with the likes of "The Comic Strip" being involved along with Motorhead contributing to the frenetic rock soundtrack. Even the bassist / singer Lemmy gets a part in the film. Al Pillay and Nosher Powell (looking great in green business suits) are the two who steal the limelight with their electric performances, one deadpan while the other maniac in delivery. Bombastic fun!"Here have a toffee".
daniel-mooney I remember seeing a trailer for this film back up in Buffalo, NY, and then never seeing it come to a theater. At the time my first two thoughts were, "What the Hell is this?" and then, "This looks like something to watch!" Three years later, I stumbled across a VHS copy of it in a bargain bin of Record Theater, and snapped it up for $2. Being cheap, it's one of those rare occasions where I figured that I got more than my money's worth. This film is truly different. It constantly flips between well constructed and paced scenes, to a variety of cheap countryside scenes that connected a lot of the main characters. It feels like they ran short of money and spent a day filming a lot of quick scenes to try and make the movie fit together. Now don't let that stop you from watching it, and many of the scenes are unforgettable, but the film does slow down every time the action shifts out of London. If you can get through that, and Jimmy's annoying jokes, then you'll see a film that really is unlike any other I've come across.
mentalcritic ...after all, who wouldn't with that high, squeaky voice and that plump, rounded body? If you think the confusion about this movie stops there, then you're going to be in for a nasty surprise. Everything from unemployment and terrorism to the callousness of the English upper class is satarised here with as much subtlety as a sledgehammer. Numerous cameos are made by members of the hard rock community (Brian Johnson of AC/DC fame being my personal favourite), while one of the hardest rockers of them all, Motörhead bassist/vocalist Lemmy Kilmister, has a starring role.My favourite moments in the film? (Some plot spoilers ahead.) Well, the robbery of the DHSS office to the beat of Ace Of Spades is a great one, as is the sequence where Spider and his boss cycle through the countryside while Orgasmatron plays in the background. I find it so amusing that radio stations here claim to know what driving music is when Motörhead has never made it into their playlists. Then again, you sort of expect this kind of stupidity from radio stations these days. Another favourite of mine is the dinner party, where we get to see all of Motörhead as they play Doctor Rock. Check out Rik Mayall dancing in the crowd, it's a riot.Main star Lanah Pellay takes ham-fisted acting to a whole new level when he/she/it and friends take over the restaurant, subtly known as B***ards before the gang change the name to Eat The Rich. "B***ards, can I help you?" is now my favourite way to answer a phone. There has never been a funnier way to answer the phone, in fact. If you ever go to a restaurant where one of the main menu items is Manager With Chips, whatever you do, don't order that one. All in all, I give Eat The Rich six out of ten. It is crude, it is crass, it is exceptionally vulgar, but it's the funniest thing I've seen about fine dining.
scott_harrison Set in fascist London, a group of non-relative, broken yet hopeful vagabonds find each other and attempt to restructure society into a single humane unit. When that fails they shoot people full of arrows and cause a smart and accurate assault on the posh structures of politics and upper class snobbery.There are many parallels to Robin Hood and layers of Political strife that almost get buried under snide John Waters-esque humor and fantastic visual imagery not unlike Sid and Nancy or The Young Ones. The characters are well developed and provide a full range of personalities to keep the film moving and entertaining. It could use a minor editing job to remove some excess footage that slows down the first 1/2hour, other than that this should be an 80's cult classic for alternative humor. For those that liked "the Cook/thief/wife/lover"---this is better and doesn't seep in frivolity.