The Door in the Floor
The Door in the Floor
R | 18 July 2004 (USA)
The Door in the Floor Trailers

The lives of Ted and Marion Cole are thrown into disarray when their two adolescent sons die in a car wreck. Marion withdraws from Ted and Ruth, the couple's daughter. Ted, a well-known writer, hires as his assistant a student named Eddie, who looks oddly similar to one of the Coles' dead sons. The couple separate, and Marion begins an affair with Eddie, while Ted has a dalliance with his neighbor Evelyn.

BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
HeadlinesExotic Boring
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Parker Lewis The Door in the Floor is very thought provoking and quite emotional and really is gut wrenching. There are several sub-plots and one feature is the affair between Marion Cole (played by the beautiful Kim Basinger) an Eddie O'Hare (played by Jon Foster) which went against typical movie norms. Traditionally, when the male seduces the female, the male is often older, or at least the actor is much older than the actress (e.g. Basic Instinct, Don't Look Now) but here Kim Basinger is 30 years older than Jon Foster, and kudos to the production team for not shying away from this.
evening1 This movie got off to a promising start in its depiction of Jeff Bridges's self-centered Ted, a womanizer who never gives much thought to his serial manipulations. However, "The Door" quickly deteriorates into a ripoff of "The Summer of '42" and the real-life Mary Kay Letourneau story as Ted's depressed wife Marion (Kim Basinger) is set up to seduce the horny high-school student Ted has brought into the home for the summer. As pretty as Basinger is, I didn't believe for a minute that Eddie would fall for her instead of the family's sexy young nanny or all the nubile young girls we're shown on the Hamptons beach. The movie made me cringe when we witness Eddie's attempts at masturbation, and I finally deleted the film once Marion walked in and he was too ashamed to face her. I may be biased but I don't think people go to the movies to squirm through this kind of trash. Admittedly I am the parent of a teenager and a pre-teen, but I found the intrusiveness of these scenes to be highly distasteful. If kids are going to explore their own bodies, please directors of the world, let them do so in privacy and dignity! I also found it offensive to have little Ruth, who looks to be about 4, tell her father, "your penis looks funny." I guess we're supposed to assume she saw Ted's erection -- another violation of a child's boundaries. This actress is a tiny little girl. Why was it necessary to give her this dialog? Call me a prude if you like but I found this movie to be so disrespectful to children that I lost interest in any surrounding storyline involving the presumptive grown-ups in the tale.I'm surprised that Jeff Bridges, an actor I've always respected, would allow himself to appear in garbage like this.
namashi_1 'The Door in the Floor' is uneven in tone, but yet it delivers some convincing moments. But, more than it's potential as a film, it is it's Lead-Star, Jeff Bridges, who makes this film a must watch, for his under-stated yet loud performance, that is well-balanced & even stunning at times. 'The Door in the Floor' tells the story of how, A writer's young assistant becomes both pawn and catalyst in his boss's disintegrating household. Based on the first third of the 1998 novel A Widow for One Year by John Irving, 'The Door in the Floor' appeals in parts. Firstly, this human- drama caters to a niche audience. This film is not meant for those who admire and live to watch films such as 'Avatar' & 'Transformers'. This disturbing & mostly unspoken story, is meant, mainly, for the pseudo intellectuals. Tod Williams direction is convincing, while his Screenplay is decent. However, the uneven tone & slow-pace act as a speed-breaker. The film definitely could've been faster, in terms of pace. Cinematography & Editing are worth a mention.Performance-Wise: Obviously, Jeff Bridges steals the show with a performance, that is easily amongst his finest works. It's a performance that is loud, yet under-stated, it's a performance that is unspoken yet expressive. In many ways, Bridges makes his misery-friendly character stunning to look at. Bridges carries the film on his shoulders and once again proves his caliber as an actor. Kim Basinger is impressive. Jon Foster plays his part with honesty. Elle Fanning is superb. Others lend good support. On the whole, Watch it for Jeff Bridges! An Actor who never disappoints!
Richard_vmt The central act in this movie is a married woman's dalliance with a 15-year-old boy. Kim Bassinger is a woman who looks convincingly like she could be capable of this or something like this.She is action. By way of explanation, she throws herself into this escapade in reaction to the death of their daughter. The relationship is shown in a selfishness which resigns everything, as her philosopher husband points out. She is literally riding a 15-year-old boy, having an exclusively carnal relationship with someone impossibly young for her. Her husband dispassionately makes plans for a divorce, while maintaining civil relations with the boy. But for nothing is this sexual coupling going to stop before it exhausts itself. So flagrant is it that the boy brags to another woman he has 60 lays under his belt which must be in the course of weeks or a month. So careless that a young child inadvertently walks in on it. There are various interesting facets to the story such as the husbands assurance to the boy he will never be left in a room with the young daughter, regardless of what he is getting away with with the wife. And of course Elle Fanning is a story in herself. So that we happily participate in her preciousness.About the only reservation I had was Jeff Bridges either because of previous casting or as he acts it, comes across as too Southern for a role like this. Obviously, the events could occur to a Southerner, but his accent is an annoying incongruity. But this is in no way a serious detraction.