The Family
The Family
R | 13 September 2013 (USA)
The Family Trailers

After ratting out his Mafia cohorts, Giovanni Manzoni and his family enter the Witness Protection Program and relocate to a sleepy town in France. Despite the best efforts of their handler to keep them in line, Giovanni (now called Fred Blake), his wife and children can't help but resort to doing things the "family" way. However, their dependence on such old habits places everyone in danger from vengeful mobsters.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
areatw It's easy to get your hopes up for a mafia movie starring Robert De Niro, but anybody looking for the next 'Godfather' or 'Goodfellas' should probably look elsewhere. 'The Family' is best viewed with an open mind or lowered expectations. This isn't your typical mafia movie - it doesn't intend to be, but 'The Family' is decent for what it is.It does function relatively well as a black comedy. It's not relentlessly funny, but it does have its moments and these seem to come at the right moment. I enjoyed the plot and can't remember seeing anything similar before, it's something completely different to any mafia movie that has come before it. While 'The Family' is nothing special, if you can appreciate it for what it is then there is some enjoyment to be had here.
Floated2 The Family is a 2013 black comedy-action-crime-drama by director Luc Besson. Having a good past track record of great enjoyable films, this film was more than definitely excited among fans of Luc Besson for a successful comeback. Well within the film, the first time we meet the Manzonis (known as the Blakes after relocating), they're arriving at their provincial home in Normandy, France, after an exhausting 11- hour car trip. Everyone is eager to settle in after the long ride, but before Giovanni (now "Fred Blake- DeNiro") can relax, he has to bury the corpse he has stashed in the trunk of the car. Over the course of the next 24 hours, Maggie (Michelle Pfeiffer) has blown up a grocery store, Warren has concocted a plan to hustle the bullies who gave him a beating on his first day of school, and Belle (Dianna Agron) has suffered a crush over math substitute who's agreed to become her personal tutor. It's a fairly lighthearted setup for the obvious chaos to follow. The Family is categorized as a comedy but it's clear this film is more of a black comedic style. The problem is even with black comedies, they (the good ones) are generally funny. However, this film doesn't contain laughs, just more unnecessary scenes of violence and pointless action. This film is quite similar to We're the Millers, but obviously this is more of an action-violent crime mob film, as to We're the Millers is straight forward comedy. Another problem with this film is the characters. They weren't as interesting as they could have been, especially the mother, son and daughter. Robert DeNiro is great as his role, though the other members (Warren and Belle) felt as if they were robots, bland acting. For character study type films like this, the main characters need to be at least likable or enjoyable enough to root for. This isn't the case here. Tommy Lee Jones also appears to be miscast as he looks more stressed and tired throughout the picture. In the end this film tries being a comedy and a crime film but fails at being both. Would not recommend.
mistoppi I vaguely remember when this movie was in the cinemas. I didn't go see it and I didn't even see a trailer, but I remember seeing the poster on the wall at the theater. Once it was up on Netflix, I wanted to see it.I was expecting some kind of weird mixture between crime drama and a "unusual family" comedy like the Addams Family and We're The Millers. Not the best examples but they are the first ones I can think of. The Family wasn't exactly close to my expectation. The Family is way more refreshing the way it is. Still, it's hard to say what is the main type of this film. It's partially a comedy, it's hilarious and clever and all that. But then again it seems like a deep drama, because it's about a family who is trying to adjust to the new situation, and everyone is facing their own challenges. But of course it's also a crime thriller.While it's hard to say which one of these mostly defines the movie, the thing is, the elements of all those types are used so wonderfully, that as the story goes on, it doesn't matter. The story and the characters are intriguing and it's exciting to see what is going to happen. That shows what an excellent writer Tonino Benacquista is. While I don't know the differences between his book and the screenplay by Besson and Caleo, but I'm guessing his Benacquista's writing involved a lot of the stuff I loved about this movie.The Family is intriguing, thrilling and fun. It has excellent casting and excellent writing. While this movie doesn't really stand out, it's not astounding in anyway, it's still a good film and definitely worth seeing.
Muri da This film kept me entertained all the way through, which is not a common experience for me.The acting was great and the cinematography was beautiful. The story- very compelling and thought provoking. If you like films that make you think, relate deeply to real life situations and explore those issues we don't talk too much about, then this is the film for you. 10/10 Actions have consequences and this film explores the long-term repercussions of temporary arrogant gain.If you like Robert De Niro, you will love this film, he portrays the character beautifully.Gripping, entertaining and a solid film.It was not what I expected at first out of the film but it is a decent thriller, better than my initial expectation.IF you enjoy thrillers that are realistic then this is a great experience, you won't regret.