PG-13 | 30 August 2013 (USA)
Getaway Trailers

Former race car driver Brent Magna is pitted against the clock. Desperately trying to save the life of his kidnapped wife, Brent commandeers a custom Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake, taking it and its unwitting owner on a high-speed race against time, at the command of the mysterious villain holding his wife hostage.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
christianfrates I am a Selenator since I attended the Boston Revival concert and Getaway (2013) showcased her most underrated acting performance. She was able to remove her innocent shell and embrace her brilliance, angst and expletive-ness. Selena Gomez should have had her Razzie nomination revoked and have much better award nominations. Rather than Selena Gomez stealing the spotlight, Ethan Hawke and Jon Voight did a good job in this practical film that is the "Die Hard" of car films.
Myriam Nys Yet another addition to the canon. If Hollywood is to be believed, then Central and Eastern Europe consists of 1) smoking hot women who are intent on marrying, or are married to, American males, 2) smoking hot women who are prostitutes, 3) gangsters, 4) little girls with flaxen braids who like to prepare homecooked bread and 5) people heavily invested in Christmas fairs or shopping.Representatives of all categories can be found within the borders of Central and Eastern Europe, but it's pretty lazy (and pretty racist) to suggest that they make up the whole of the population. Unpleasant assertions about inoffensive citizens aside : this is a remarkably undercooked VROAR VROAR VROOM vroom crash crash plot holes large enough to drive an elephant through CRASH bang bang VRRRROAR. Vroom wish fulfilment ROAR ROOR RRRRomm vroom boing boingggg for adolescent males who like primary colors and explosions rhha rhaaaa rhhhaaaa a solid wall of noise VROOM vromm VROOM VROOM. It's an ode to reckless driving, road rage and speed crassssssssh crasssh crrrash CRASH, thinly disguised as ROAR RRROAR roar car crashes galore VROOM a lot of waste VROOM BOING BOINGGGG vroom vroom vroommm textbook conspicious consumption. VRRROOM vroom vroom VROAR ding ding dingeling BADOING BADOING to the point where you can't hear yourself think. That's precisely why they do it.
jpkwolf Nonstop action with decently shot car chases. Nothing you haven't seen before and that is the problem of the movie. It's been done better many times before. Everything here just feels really mediocre. The dialogue is quite terrible. Often feeling like it's from some bad video game with the characters saying random quotes that don't add anything to the story. The action is sometimes too over the top and characters behave in stupid ways. The small twist in the end doesn't save much. At least the action is quite intense, so the movie is possibly worth one watch. Also Selena Gomez isn't that horrible in it. Still this movie could have been so much better.
brchthethird This has to be one of the worst movies from 2013. It's barely 90 minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Basically, the movie is just one long chase scene with a few breaks for pointless dialogue. There is no depth to the characters and the story is really lame. Ethan Hawke plays a former race car driver who has to steal a car and follow instructions from a mostly unseen villain in order to save his wife. Throw Selena Gomez into the mix, who may or may not have something to do with the villain's true motives, and you have a poorly acted, sorry excuse for a "film". The central gimmick of the movie is that the car is fitted with a bunch of cameras, which means that you get a bunch of weird camera angles and HD video-looking (read: poor quality) photography from all sorts of video/surveillance feeds. Not only that, but it's edited very haphazardly (shots are never held for more than a couple of seconds) and the space in which the action takes place is never clearly defined. Then there's the villains, which are your standard cliché Eastern European villains, the chief one played by Jon Voight and whose face is never shown in its entirety (ashamed, maybe?). Not only that, but this movie was shot on the cheap in Bulgaria, and it shows. Overall, there's nothing at all good about this film, save for a single song: Jingle Bell Rock (for some inexplicable reason, this movie takes place during Christmas, although I distinctly remember this movie coming out in the fall). For those of you who remember, Jingle Bell Rock was used as the opening song to LETHAL WEAPON, which was produced by Joel Silver (and who also produced this dud, so maybe he ripped himself off). Obviously, a single soundtrack cut isn't enough to warrant watching a movie, so your best option would be to "Getaway" from this at all costs.