NR | 24 January 2015 (USA)
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Emma is a young and beautiful graduate student just starting a new life in New York City. Like most people her age, she is always connected - her phone and laptop are constant companions, documenting her most intimate moments. What she doesn't realize is that she's sharing her life with an uninvited and dangerous guest. A hacker is following Emma’s every move. When the voyeuristic thrill of watching her digitally isn't enough, the situation escalates to a dangerous and terrifying level.

Alicia I love this movie so much
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Michael Yes it was. Also, there are some impressively stupid people writing reviews on IMDb. Perhaps the folks that didn't like this might want to stick to watching dreck like Twilight where EVERY. SINGLE. THING. is spelled out just in case a total backbirth happens to be watching. Which, of course, is likely.
mrgrtwood This movie must have been written by a sadist! There is no conclusion at the end. The actors are average and plot isn't bad but it gets boring after the first 10 minutes. If this was meant to have a message it failed drastically. I was waiting for someone to get a clue as to who was doing this. And as in every film of this type the police choose to do nothing. Don't waste your time watching it!
Fabiano Lourenço I think we may be employing the term "horror" too loosely these days...This movie is, at best, a thriller, and not a good one at that. If you are looking for a movie that scares you or even disturbs your night even a little, look elsewhere. The story here may seem adequate for our times, when young people are ever more interested in sharing their whole lives through their internet profiles, and therefore are liable to forget the risks involved in the practice- for instance, online stalkers. This is the main theme of this movie: online stalking. If it was well developed, this COULD have been interesting to watch. But, unfortunately, thanks probably to budget reasons, the story doesn't go anywhere. There isn't even a decent finale to make you understand who was the guy doing the stalking- the ending is the worst part of the movie, by far. If you watch this, you'll probably feel related to the main character- not much different from any girl addicted to social network that we can find everywhere-but don't even hope to watch a suspenseful or thrilling action film. Prepare to feel dead bored watching the girl doing the most trivial things people do everyday (laundry, cooking, house cleaning, etc) while a mysterious stalker watches her every move. Why? Don't ask me, ask the movie's director, because he didn't bother to tell me.
lucifuge2001 The actors played their roles but the script sucks. Every time we are waiting for something to happen and nothing happens at all. The movie follows and we still wait something to happen then we get to the end of the movie and surprisingly something happens. I ask you a simple question why do we watch one hour and twenty minutes of movie to see five minutes of action? My answer is we don't.