Brooklyn Rules
Brooklyn Rules
R | 30 April 2007 (USA)
Brooklyn Rules Trailers

Brooklyn, 1985. With the mob world as a backdrop, three life-long friends struggle with questions of love, loss and loyalty.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
xxmyloveuxx As I go through "Brooklyn rules" DVD sitting on my rack-top for the umpteenth time, i can't help but feel disappointment deep within, not at the movie but at its fate. It is a pity that a film of this grandeur has gone through almost unnoticed by the general audience and critics. It has suffered the same dead-end that an "also ran" type movie suffers, when the truth is that it is far from one.The first words that float into my mind when I think of this movie is 'tour-de-force'. Yes, we have been subjected to countless of these gangster films over the decades but nothing comes close to this on levels of sheer effectiveness and the connection which it is able to make with the audience. The three protagonists right from their childhood to the untimely demise of one of them, take us on a unforgettable journey, made so not by any dramatic twists in the script or by any enchanting visual imagery in the movie (if you are looking for these things, I would suggest a re-watch of Avatar or perhaps some Justin Beiber), but by the simpleness of the script.Mike, Carmine and Bobby- the heroes of this tale- have a chemistry going on between them that almost makes you believe in them, believe that what is happening in front of you is real. What most of us are not lucky enough to experience is having childhood friends and still being their closest buddies when we grow old, the joy of calling these friends names, the persistent attempt to one-up each other, the wonder of always sharing our moments of joy, sorrow, and things we love most with them and finally even being willing to kill for them. And it is this true friendship that the movie depicts and does so in a manner that makes you believe in what you are seeing despite their difference in personality and inclinations and despite their differences in education. And this is what later makes you feel the pain of two of our lone warriors left behind when one of the pack leaves them forever in the battlefield that is life. The reactions and the expressions in this leaves no place for superficiality, it is just as if the things are happening to you or me or to a next door neighbor- the film succeeds in depicting the trios life to such a big extent, and herein lies its greatness.I have all but the greatest respect for Corrente in making the lives three ordinary boys living in a unruly district into this extraordinary film, and yet warn you all the same, that if you haven't watched this yet then don't go in expecting great things cause then you might not find them, but if you just go in to experience something, then I would bet you a thousand bucks that you will come back more full-filled from it and with the knowledge that the 100 minutes of your life were indeed well spent. Watching this movie was indeed a life changing episode for me and I enjoyed it as much as watching the first edition of Rocky (note that I compare the two because these are both simple and yet really powerful movies). The movie is aptly summarized in the conclusive scene by Michael Turner in reminiscence of his departed friend, when he says that wherever you go, and whatever you do- you are never far apart from your true friends and not even death can separate you from them for you always carry them in your heart. And this is exactly what this movie is all about. Their immortal friendship. And so if it is in the case of true friendship, that even if fate has the worst in store for you, you needn't bother as you live forever in the memory of your friends then the same goes for this movie as it will always live on, in the memory of us few faithful followers who could grasp its true meaning.
Boba_Fett1138 This is obviously one of those gangster movies to tries very hard to be just like "Goodfellas". But instead of focusing mostly on one character it has three of them. Problem is, there is absolutely nothing good, interesting or original ever happening in the movie. It's a real lackluster movie that lacks at basically every department.Bad writing, bad directing, bad acting, bad editing. The movie is suffering from all these things. Really, I would had been OK for this movie to 'borrow' from other genre movies, if it would had been only done in a good and original way. This is obviously just not the case with this movie.The story really isn't going anywhere, or perhaps it feels that way because it is so clichéd. You basically know beforehand what is going to happen in a scene and how things are going to end up eventually. The story is far from an involving one really because we just never really get into any of the characters. The movie tries to present the three main characters as just average guys, who due to circumstances get caught up in bad situations and get tangled in with the underworld. But thing is, they don't come across as average normal guys at all. They each have their own very clichéd and cardboard, forced personalities. Here we have a sweet guy, a bad guy and a in-between guy, basically. It's also odd how the movie throws in some uninteresting plot-lines for them and then decides to completely focus on them. I mean, when I watch a gangster flick I'm just not that interested in seeing a guy trying to make it at school. The movie could at least had been more interesting if it focused on the Scott Caan characters instead of on the Freddie Prinze Jr. one.And watching Freddie Prinze Jr. acting tough really made me laugh. It really isn't working out very convincing in this movie. He just comes across as a guy who got bullied himself at high school but now he is acting as the tough guy in movies. It's laughable really and his acting comes across as horrible because of this. He is really miscast and Alec Baldwin totally feels out of place as well. I just kept waiting for them to finally do something interesting with his character and they could and should had easily made him an important part of the story but he only shows up a couple of times and to be frank, it feels a bit forced all because his character really doesn't add that much at all. To me, this was perhaps the biggest disappointment of the movie, since I am quite fond of Alec Baldwin and was interested in seeing him in this type of role. With only a few minor changes this movie still could had been a decent one, at it's very least, to watch. Besides different casting and changing the focus of the movie they could had made things a bit more raw and edgier. After all, this is a gangster movie but the movie doesn't really feel as one at all because there is nothing interesting, crime-wise, or violence-wise happening really. Why not put in a big criminal kind of plot, like an heist or hit or something. I'm just making this stuff up as I'm writing this, then how come the writers of this movie didn't think about any of these things. They knew they were writing a gangster movie right? Perhaps it was due to budgeting reasons but this movie is totally lacking the right atmosphere. They could had made the movie moodier if they made the movie a bit more dark to watch. Now it really feels like you are watching a cheap television-series episode. Just a couple of things that would had made this movie so much better to watch.A real pointless and redundant genre effort, that is lacking at every department. Yes, there are far worse movies to watch out there but that doesn't mean that this movie is a good one either.5/10
EXodus25X I have to say I was presently surprised by this little film, I expected way less then I got. That's not to say that this is a fantastic film but it's a good one. It does a great job of representing a believable friendship between it's three main characters. I once again have to gripe of the pointless and sub par acted female character who is injected for the point of having one and doesn't add much to the film. Alec Baldwin is great as he usually is, and the three main characters are both well acted and believable unlike their accents but that's not important here. The story may be filled with a few clichés but the friendship of the characters make it work well enough to pull you into the story, not immerse you in it but keep your interest. I don't want to say Freddie Prinze was amazing but he was rather good, I wish he would lean more into films like this and stay away from any romantic comedy/dramas for a little while, play a villain or something, I do believe he has the talent it's just that he gets type cast in those romantic roles. Anyway, the film was surprisingly good, as was the story and the acting. Don't expect the Sopranos, Goodfellas and definitely not The Godfather and you won't be disappointed.
yogiwolfe Seriously, one big cliché. It was as if they watched every mob movie, combined it with Good Will Hunting, and threw in a little bad writing. Freddie Prinze with a Brooklyn accent? Seriously? The interaction between main characters is dull and predictable. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone, especially someone who is actually from Brooklyn, for fear they would be very insulted. And the relationship between Freddie Prinze and Mena Suvari?? Are any of us supposed to care at all? Alec Baldwin is the only light in this otherwise dark film. This is a very shallow portrayal of complex themes. At least we still have the Departed.