Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation
Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation
NR | 13 July 1992 (USA)
Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation Trailers

The nerds are now in control of the university, as a result of Lewis Skolnick and the rest's actions in the two previous movies. A new generation of sportsmen arrive, however, determined on winning the school back. The principle, himself an ex-nerd fighter, helps them, and the nerds return to suppression. Harold Skolnick needs help from his uncle Lewis, the hero of the first two movies. Lewis, however, are not too proud of his nerd past, and won't reveal any of it, much less help his nephew. However, his wife makes him change his mind, and with help from his friends from the first two movies, they start the fight to win the school back, using classic nerd tricks.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
callanvass The nerds have taken over the university, usurping the jocks as well. Lewis Skolnick (Robert Carradine) has made a great living for himself, married to his dream girl Betty (Julia Montgomery) , with a son. The jocks refuse to stand for this, decide to bring back a former rival of Lewis's, Stanley Gable (Ted McGinley) This is the best of the sequels. I wouldn't call it a great movie by any means, but it's far better than the second movie. It provides you with some solid laughs at times, even throwing in a twist at the end. I felt the twist with Ted McGinley was illogical, but amusing. If you're going to check out any sequel in this series, let it be this one5/10
j-a-ireland-1 One of the worst movies I've ever seen.While the original ROTN wasn't exactly a comedy classic, it did move along briskly, had some funny tongue in cheek performances, some funny sight gags, the musical numbers as well as some gratuitous nudity; you know ... it was good for a few laughs.This mess however, ROTNiii, has no redeeming qualities and seems to have been written, and directed by complete amateurs. I hope they paid the original ROTN actors well for their walk-ons, 'cause appearing on this wretched (and, unbelievably, given how bad ROTNiii is, not the last) entry in the franchise could not have helped anyone's career in movies or TV.P-U. A stinker. To be avoided.
burke_electric Terrible movie. And what's with Stan claiming he graduated Adams college in '80 and Lewis claiming he graduated in '81? It just made an already bad movie that much more confusing. The original was released in 1984 and the sequel in 1987. Neither movie made reference to having taken place in the past. As a matter of fact, the technical gizmos the nerds played with were 1980s stuff. Even the clothing and decor were 1980s. I thought the first two movies were pretty good. I can even remember going to see the sequel when it came out in the summer of '87. It was on my 18th birthday. I couldn't even make it all the way through this one. I'm not even going to waste my time on part 4.
malarson To put your minds at ease...this is a boiled down version of Revenge of the Nerds II, which was a boiled down version of the first movie. SO...if you enjoyed both of those a lot, you'll like this one too. If you didn't like one of those, don't bother. Watch something else.