Back to the Beach
Back to the Beach
PG | 07 August 1987 (USA)
Back to the Beach Trailers

Cowabunga! The surfing '60s ride into the new wave as Frankie and Annette star in this hip update of their old-time, good-time beach movies. With special appearances by Bob Denver, Tony Dow, Pee-Wee Herman, Jerry Mathers and other familiar faces. Frankie and Annette grow up and have kids in the midwest. They return to LA to visit their daughter who is shacked up with her boyfriend and tries to hide the fact. They begin to have marriage problems when Frankie runs into Connie, who has erected a shrine to him in her night club. Their punk son has joined up with the local surf toughs, and things all come to a head when the toughs challenge the good guys to a surfing duel

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
irishm And not in the most flattering direction. I remember liking this when it first came out... I'm old enough to be able to identify exactly what they were parodying, I enjoyed the cameos by such 1960's luminaries as Don Adams and Alan Hale Jr., and I liked the music of the period, so it followed that I would enjoy the movie.However, it doesn't hold up well. It's deliberately corny, which was acceptable at the time but now comes off as tedious and dull. It feels over-long, although I don't think the run time is excessive (it just feels that way). Many of the songs seem forced, crammed in instead of being part of the natural flow, and the songs aren't that catchy (except for the stand-up-and-dance "California Sun").Fans of the era or the performers might enjoy it, at least once, but I don't think I'll come back to it again.
MinxCat but very enjoyable, none the less. I'm 26 and still enjoy watching this movie. :) Seeing Annette & Frankie together is like all those 50s beach movies returned - and ya gotta love PeeWee Herman because 'the bird IS the word'! ;)
Shaun As A child I remember watching this film countlessly. I wasn't old enough to remember the beach movies, although throughout the years I came to know and love them. This movie follows Frankie and Annette after they've gotten married and have a couple of kids. I love how it's a movie about how just cause you get older it doesn't mean you have to give up the things that you use to love. This film, much like the original beach movie, is extremely camp. However, it's so funny, if taken with a grain of salt. And Don Adams as the boat master still cracks me up. It's a wonderful family film.
soranno Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello, whose series of "Beach Party" films were huge hits for teenage crowds back in the 1960's resurrect the series with this lame 1987 Paramount release. By this time, Avalon and Funicello are too old to be believable anymore in those surf bum roles and younger costars don't help either. Star gazers may appreciate this film only for its cameos by many stars of popular 1960's TV series.