The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone
The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone
PG | 01 March 2013 (USA)
The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone Trailers

A man who stops into a foster home to drop off some donations soon tells the kids a story about two teenage friends who uncover a long-lost medallion that transports them back in time.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
jimcoye Recently, my wife brought this great film home from the library. It is a mix of Indiana Jones meeting C.S. Lewis. The cinematography mostly shot in Thailand is superb. But the story and the actors who brought the script to life are what's worth watching here. If you are a parent or a grandparent, this film will help you teach character lessons with the kids you care about. However, if you want a DVD you can put in the player and just walk away while the kiddos watch, then this is the wrong film for you. But , and this is the biggest takeaway from The Lost Medallion ; if you want to install the importance of the greatest amongst us learning to have a servant heart... Well, then this is the absolute perfect movie gift to give this Christmas. Throw in some popcorn and enjoy it with them. My wife and I are buying a bunch of copies and giving it for that very reason this year. I hope Bill Muir gets to keep making films like this. Well done!
middleagecrz My family & I really enjoyed "The Lost Medallion". There was enough action & plot development to keep 2 adults and a 10 year old entertained for the entire movie. The acting was good, and there were great moral themes. I personally am sick of the action "blockbusters" we see where humanistic themes reign and the heroes are worshiped as gods. This was by no means comparable to the big Hollywood films, the production values & special effects would never compare to that. But it was great to see courage & kindness encouraged in children, there was no bad language & I felt very comfortable letting my 10 year old grandchild watch it. The ending message was positive & uplifting.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, this movie is certainly somewhat of a wholesome entertainment for the entire family. Sort of abstractly think a mixture of "Indiana Jones" and "The Goonies" then you are in the vicinity of what "The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone" is like.This is indeed an adventure movie that the entire family can sit down and watch together. It is a classic tale of good vs. evil in a struggle for a legendary medallion that will grant wishes to its owner. Billy Stone (played by Billy Unger) and Allie (played by Sammi Hanratty) are accidentally transported back in time when Billy happens to make a wish upon the medallion in the heat of the moment, trying to save his father from some goons.There is a good amount of action in the movie, despite this not being your typical adventure movie for adults, and it is done with moderation, so that it is not too violent or graphical, allowing a younger audience to sit in on the movie as well.As for the people cast for the various roles and characters, well I must say that everyone was doing good jobs and pulling their weight of the load individually. I was especially surprised to see Mark Dacascos here, especially as I had no idea that he was in this movie. He did a good job at portraying the villainous Cobra.Actually, I will go as far as to say that "The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone" can be thoroughly enjoyed by all, regardless of age. I am 38 and I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. But of course, a younger audience will have a blast of a thrill ride with this adventurous movie.
TheBishop34 The film is very entertaining for children I believe partially because they don't typically catch the flaws in acting, plot, writing and overall production as adults have a tendency to do, so I can't recommend it for adults.At its core its fun adventure story with a time spanning story, magical artifact and a villain kids could fear, as the story goes on the kids slowly learn about themselves. My daughter really loves this and watched it three times in as many days. Its ending that a prior poster commented on I guess can catch you a little off guard if you didn't pick it up as the story went along. As it is only occasionally pointed out till then end that this movie is a Christian film. Having said that, I think that nasty response is unnecessary. The film has a good moral story to it that can be appreciated whether you believe in God or not.