The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Conspiracy
The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Conspiracy
PG | 10 May 2012 (USA)
The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Conspiracy Trailers

When a mythical device from ancient times is rebuilt by a group of Confederates who feel the civil war never ended, Mickey Matson and his newfound friend, Sully, must follow a series of clues left by his dead grandfather to keep the evil men away from the three mystical objects that power the device. If he fails, it could mean not only the loss of his family's home, but maybe the demise of our country as we know it.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
vchimpanzee In 1863 Sudan, a group of men discover a box containing what we later learn is a large sapphire.In present day North Bay, Michigan, Mickey attends the funeral of his beloved grandfather Jack. Young female relatives don't seem to care as they laugh at whatever is on someone's phone. But Mr. Stumpwater has wonderful things to say about the man. Later, Mickey finds out his grandfather left him a rock in his will. Not realizing its importance, the disappointed Mickey almost throws it into Lake Michigan before Mr. Stumpwater rescues it and reminds Mickey the rock is important. Using a microscope, Mickey discovers a map on the rock and decides to investigate with his new friend Sully, a Chicago girl staying with her Grams while her parents work out their problems.A couple of tough Southerners rob a local bank and proclaim the South will rise again. It turns out they are Copperheads working for Stalwert Priggish III, and their goal is to find the Alchemy Machine and make enough silver to take over the United States.Grams and several others are part of a group of Patriots formed by Abraham Lincoln to protect the Three Elements that control the Alchemy Machine. Mickey's rock is one of the three, and another is in Jack's museum. And the sapphire is also discovered. The Patriots and Copperheads now must fight to determine who controls the Alchemy Machine. Fortunately, the Southerners who robbed the bank are like the Three Stooges.I really liked Sully, and Mickey is pleasant enough and quite smart. Patrika Darbo shows intelligence and determination. Ernie Hudson does a great job and also shows courage. And Christopher Lloyd does his usual good job in flashbacks.The actors playing the Southerners are another matter. Rick Plummer is good as their leader. The bald man is funny and pretty good. The man with long hair, though, seems to lack talent and delivers laughs just because he is such a moron. This is an interesting mystery even if it occasionally turns violent.
Commentscore This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen; and trust me, I have seen a lot of dumb ones. The script sounds like it was written for Axe Cop (but not designed to be commical), and aside from the 15 seconds that Christopher Lloyed graced the screen, the acting was terrible. The characters do stupid things for no logical reason and the filming is slow. The only strong point that this movie has is that after you have seen it, you can later make fun of it with your friends and family, always remembering it as the worst movie you guys have ever seen. If you don't plan on watching this movie with your friends or family, then you are better of spending your evening reading random wikipedia articles.
American Jedi Who finances this drivel and calls it a movie? I wonder how many scripts actually fall through just because they were worse than this utter mess. It's a bad wannabe of all the great kids movies that have come before it. The acting on the part of the lead boy and girl was so stunted it felt unnatural. The dialog was high-school level literature and the script was awful with nothing to save the movie.Great for a good laugh if you want to burn away an hour and half of your life. Yes this movie has good morals. most family movies do, so this isn't winning anything for that trait. No swearing or gore, it is for general audience, after all. But this movie was beyond cheesy and so corny it was painful to watch. Save your time and your money and don't pay heed to the "rave" reviews.
keonalauren Personally the script isn't well written seems unrealistic to what actual people would say in that situation, or it could be the way the actors portrayed their character. If someone were robbing a bank a teenager would not yell at the robber and say "You are not very nice." I can't be completely negative, It was okay. Technically it's about a boy, Mickey Matson (seen as a geek), who is given a rock by his late grandfather. He meets a girl, Sully, and they go on an adventure together. I'm chopping off most of the details for someone who wants to watch the movie. It is a good movie for very young children. in the end I wouldn't recommend it.