Big Fan
Big Fan
R | 28 August 2009 (USA)
Big Fan Trailers

Paul Aufiero, a 35-year-old parking-garage attendant from Staten Island, is the self-described "world's biggest New York Giants fan". One night, Paul and his best friend Sal spot Giants star linebacker Quantrell Bishop at a gas station and decide to follow him. At a strip club Paul cautiously decides to approach him but the chance encounter brings Paul's world crashing down around him.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Dan Franzen (dfranzen70) What a poetically sad movie! Patton Oswalt is just amazing and sincere as a sad-sack loser who happens to be a HUGE FAN of the New York Football Giants. So much so that he and his pal Sal watch the games on an old TV in the stadium parking lot - presumably for the ambiance - rather than at home.When the guys run into the team's star linebacker, they follow him surreptitiously - which leads to a cringe-worthy confrontation and, ultimately, Patton's Paul being beaten very badly. Now he's in an unenviable position: he can press charges, partly for the money and partly to teach these "thug athletes" (term from movie) a lesson, or he can let things go so that the Giants don't suffer as a team. This is a die-hard fan right here.His family thinks it's not a tough decision. His local-celebrity brother, a personal-injury lawyer, certainly wants Paul to sue. His mom wants him out of the house (yes, he lives with his mom). But Paul feels a strange, strong loyalty to the player and the team, despite his severe injuries.Oswalt is really amazing here. He's not funny. He's never funny. He's just the epitome of pathetic, and Oswalt's portrayal is as authentic as they come. There's so much to him as a character that the ending is an interesting surprise, too.There's no on-field football action, so if you're looking for sportsing, you're out of luck. This is a character study, and is an exquisitely detailed one. A fine, if somber, movie.
john32935 I count myself as a big fan of Big Fan. If you watch it, you may too.The story revolves around the title character's (Patton Oswalt in a very good star turn) rather depressing, boring life and his reasons for living, the NY Giants football team and his opportunity for notoriety via his "witty" banter on a sports radio call-in show. When he randomly spots, follows and approaches one of the team's stars, he unknowingly triggers a violent response. Rather than use this experience to change his view of his team, he denies any wrong-doing in an attempt to not cause HIS team any disruption on their march to the playoffs.This character study is detailed and very realistic, with some interesting twists. Each of the minor characters also ring true, and one could easily picture this story as a slice of life for any number of anonymous sports fans. There is enough comedy (light and dark) and emotional sincerity that this movie will appeal to more than the sports fan.
Sankari_Suomi This amusing black comedy about the chronic health problems of overweight Jewish football supporters in the USA stars Patton Oswalt in a role better suited to Ben Affleck.A subplot about alcohol fueled violence amongst African Americans shows a white Jewish man being savagely beaten by a powerfully built black athlete. While not related to the main story, it provides an interesting diversion and raises challenging questions about the problem of race relations in postmodern America.Neville Gorman turned down a role in the final bar scene ('Man with Budweiser') due to scheduling conflicts. The part was eventually given to Tierra del Fuego, marking his début as a Hollywood extra.'Big Fan' starts strong, falls over in the middle and struggles gamely to the end, where it is sadly let down by a predictable anticlimax.I rate 'Big Fan' at 16.65 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a solid 5/10 on IMDb.
ironhorse_iv What a kick-off to the movie season! Most sports movies focus on the success of a particular team or player, so the idea that sports are not simply about the players themselves, but about the fans and the city the team represents is an original and refreshing concept. So you can have a field goal with this. Directed and written by Robert D. Siegel, the story revolves Paul Aufiero (Patton Oswalt); one of the biggest fans of the New York Giants. One day, Paul and his friend, Sal (Kevin Corrigan) spotted Giant's linebacker Quantrell Bishop (Jonathan Hamm) in a public nightclub doing drugs. The character of Quantrell Bishop or nicknamed QB in the movie, is model out of real life Giants Hall of Famer, Lawrence Taylor, who had a very public drug history. When they chat with him; things go soured because QB mistake them for cops. The intoxicated Bishop became enraged and brutally beats Paul. Paul is hospitalized for his injuries and Bishop has been suspended. Now, Paul Aufiero has to make a choice, go on to intercept Bishop's playing career by pressing charges against him, or stay loyal to his beloved team by allowing Bishop to get off scot free. The movie seems to have something going with a similar plot to 'the Wrestler', but it falls flat because one main different. Instead, of trying to better his life, Paul's existence is so remove from the norms of society that it's unlikeable. He rejects any offer that would help him, whether it is a job or moving into his own place. This movie's lack somewhat of a transformation for its character. Nothing really happens in this movie besides showcasing how mentally incompetent and bleak, Paul is. Let's keep in mind that the word "fan" is indeed, shortened form of the word, 'fanatic'. Paul is pretty unlikeable and this will undoubtedly alienate some viewers. I couldn't decide whether to feel sorry for Paul or hate him. It's not that he's socially awkward or can't interact with society, it's that he doesn't want to. I have to say, while Patton Oswalt isn't really acting anything new, here since this role is similar to the hopeless nerd loser roles he been typecast for years now. Patton Oswalt does do a good job in this dramatic side of the role, besides doing his norm shticks. Patton Oswalt did makes a touchdown when it matters, by showing the fanatic of this character, but you can't help wanting more out of him. Adam Sandler was offered the part of Paul Aufiero at first, and I think he might had made this work, but in my opinion, I think both actors were limited in their range. In his role, you would think Patton Oswalt is a huge football fan in real life, but surprising Oswalt and his co-star Kevin Corrigan don't have a clue of any football terminology. Another person that fits their role in real life, is Michael Rapaport. He flew like an eagle in his brief scene as the supporting role, arch-enemy of Paul, Philadelphia Eagles fan, Philadelphia Phil. Like Patton Oswalt, he isn't really acting much here, besides acting like Rapaport. I found minor football mistakes in the movie, that any football fan can notice, but it's wasn't like a big deal here like other football movies. Some people might hate it, due to the negative light on football fans, but as a football fan, I didn't find it, disrespectful at all. Like any other sport, there are people that take the sport too far, and I didn't think the movie went that level. I wish, it did. It would had been more entertaining. I was hoping for something like 1996's the Fan. I found 2012's Silver Linings Playbook with Bradley Cooper in a similar story and role, told it a little bit better. It did keeps the story at a realistic level. Even when it approaches the crazy at the end, we can still believe what we are seeing. I'm surprise to see that the NFL allow the movie to even show the Giants in a fiction based negative light and other teams. Do note, while the movie revolves around the NFL, you don't see a single NFL logo on display, nor a moment of actual sports action through the film. The NFL wouldn't even allow them to film in the stadium. So there were some limited to what they were able to do in the film. While this movie didn't had the budget, Silver Lining or the Fan did, it did get me hook to the story. I would have preferred a darker story simply because that is what I went in expecting, but I was OK with the results. It felt boring at times. Most of the best blitz conflict scenes just happens to be near a toilet in an odd way. The comedy tone is all over the place, and never really working. The film falls to tie up so many of the loose ends in Paul's social and family life. The ending doesn't really solve anything. At less, it ask you, how far is Paul willing to take his obsession. It did had a good twist toward the end zone. For anybody who isn't a fan of the sport, there is a lot more to this movie, besides football. It is a character study. The movie is a upsetting and insightful commentary on the vaunted status how society afford to our media, some call "heroes," often at the expense of our own sense of self-worth. Overall: a good watch, but somewhat a fumble.